Ephesians 4:1-16
A. The SPIRIT (LIFE) of the Church 1.The WORTH of our Christian life (v.1) 2.Mutual SUPPORT for our Christian life (v. 2) 3.The BOND of our Christian life (vs. 3-6)
B.The STRUCTURE of the Church 1.The ARCHITECT of our Christian life (vs.7-11) 2.The DEVELOPMENT of our Christian life (v )
C.The STRENGTH of the Church 1.The STABILITY of our Christian life (v.14) 2.The GROWTH of our Christian life (v. 15) 3.MEANINGFUL service in our Christian life (v. 16)
1.Jesus STARTED and ENDED with ministry leadership (Matt. 4:18-22; Luke 6:12-16; Matt. 28:5-10, 16-20) 2.Jesus MINISTERED to crowds, but PRIORITIZED ministry leadership (Matt. 13:36; 17:19) 3.Jesus PURPOSED the existence of the Church, but PREPARED ministry leadership (Matt. 16:18; John 17:11-15)
4.Jesus SEEKS the lost, but CALLS ministry leadership (Luke 19:10; Matt. 10:1-4)
1.Referring to Himself as the FOUNDATION of the Church, Jesus said "On this rock I will build my Church" (Matt. 16:18; c.f. I Cor. 3:10-11). 2.How has Jesus been BUILDING His Church? A.THE CHURCH'S ONE FOUNDATION IS JESUS CHRIST THE LORD
1.How has Jesus been BUILDING His Church? By the Holy Spirit through LEADERS (Eph.4:11-16). As a house cannot be built without an ARCHITECT and a BUILDER, so neither can the Church be built without Jesus THE ARCHITECT and God-appointed and anointed LEADERSHIP.
2.How has Jesus been BUILDING His Church? This is true spiritually as well as materially. No structure can be erected without a foundation, or rise up without a foundation being laid down. The depth of the foundation determines the height of the structure (Luke 6:48).