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Water and Nutrition How Much Is Right? Basic Nutrition For Everyday Series-Lesson 4 Information Provided To You By: The JFHQ Occupational Health Office
Daily Fluid Requirements… Water is Everywhere… You even breathe it out while you sleep. Water composes 75% of all muscle tissue and 10% of fatty tissue
Water Comes From Different Sources
How the Body uses water Brain Tissue 80%, Blood 10%, CSF 10%
Daily Hydration Is Important Water needs are increased when: You are in a hot climate More physically active Running a fever Having diarrhea or vomiting Tips For Staying Hydrated: Drink Fluids While Being Active Drink Several Glasses of water or other fluid after the activity is complete. Make sure you continue to take in water consistently over time before the “thirst” indicator is present.
A lthough drinks sweetened with sugars provide water… they usually pack on the pounds because of the calories in them. A good rule of thumb- Never use up your daily calories by drinking them! To help with weight control, you should consume beverages and foods that don't have added sugars. Examples of beverages with added sugars: Fruit drinks. Some sports drinks. Soft drinks and sodas (non-diet). Do Sweet Drinks Count?
Give yourself a fighting chance by: 1. Carry a water bottle for easy access. 2. Freeze some freezer-safe water bottles. Take one with you for ice-cold water all day long. Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages. This tip can also help with weight management. Substituting water for one 20-ounce sugar-sweetened soda will save you about 240 calories. Choose water instead of other beverages when eating out. Generally, you will save money and reduce calories. Give your water a little pizzazz by adding a wedge of lime or lemon. This may improve the taste, and you just might drink more water than you usually do. Is Meeting Your Daily Goal Difficult?
Is it that bad for me? Carbonation in water is just water with bubbles. The problem is when there are added sugars, caffeine and other calorie containing products in your drinks that makes it unhealthy. Carbonation
Do I have to worry about sipping on coffee all day? Is it dehydrating me? Answer: Maybe, it is just depends on how much you are drinking along with the other fluids in your diet. Caffeine
References 1. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, September/October 2006, Vol. 25, No. 5, Pages HHS & USDA. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Chapter 2: Adequate Nutrients Within Calorie Needs. Accessed online, 25 October 2011, U.S. National Library of Medicine & NIH. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Water in Diet.
Weekly Challenge: This week we are introducing the Weekly Challenge!!! This week’s challenge is: Drink Your Goal Amount of Fluids!