Solar Energy Delaney Forgette Renee Casey Tre Porter Anthony Mazzucco
Production of Solar Energy Sunlight travels through upper parts of earths atmospheres Once it reaches the surface of the earth so it can be captured into energy Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into DC power (often located on roof tops)
Inside Solar Panel Sun’s radiation hits silicon atom energy is absorbed which causes the atom to lose an electron The released electrons create a electric current Current feeds an inverter, turned into AC Power Connected to main electricity grid of the home
Transported to Consumer DC Power current sent to an inverter, converted into AC Power (standard electricity) AC Power travels to an electrical panel (Breaker Box), ready to use in home (ability to store energy for later use) House is connected to Utility grid to supply extra electricity if needed Little need to transport solar energy (most panels are on location) Connected to standard electrical lines and main power plants if needed
Types of Solar Panels Parabolic Troughs- most common, long curved mirrors focus sunlight on a liquid inside a tube parallel to the mirrors, liquid heats and produces steam that drives an electric turbine Parabolic Dishes- concentrate light on a single point instead of a long mirror
Solar Power in the US Last any where from around years Most company's have free instillation Example: BPS solar panel kit- 800 watt kit, 4 solar panels is around $4,000 Amount of solar panels used in 2012 increased by 76% Can work under a low amount of snow, but if snow blocks sun light completely panels can not generate power, most panels are on angle for snow to slide off. In heavy snow fall panel still gives off heat allowing snow to begin to melt.
Pros No Pollution — Solar power does not release carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide nor mercury into the atmosphere. It does not burn fuel and generates no emissions. Saves you Money — Well, after the initial investment, since you'll be using less energy, your utility bills will be much lower and often times there won't be an amount due at all. Less Consumption — Because it requires no fuel, you will save money on the cost of gasoline. Tax Breaks — The U.S. government offers a tax credit of up $2,000. Start by looking up DSIRE, a database by state of incentives for renewable energy. Nearly Maintenance Free — Manufacturers are offering warranties of 20 years and more.
Pros Cont.. Energy Credits — You can build a credit of energy if your solar system produces more energy than you use. Check out net metering, a program that gives you credit for excess electricity, and actually spins your meter backwards. It's Sustainable and Renewable — Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are non- renewable and dwindling. Solar energy will never run out. The Noise Factor — They are silent and have no moving parts
Cons $$$ — The main disadvantage is the price. The panels and installation have high starting costs. Climate Variability — Although solar energy can be used in most climates, the number of hours of sunlight will determine the number of panels you'll need and what the wattage of power will be. Aesthetics — Solar panels take up quite a bit of roof space and to some and aren't pleasant to look at. Not 24 Hours — They only work when the sun is shining. At night you will have to rely on stored energy from net metering or have an alternative system
New Technology 1. Developed by Research Triangle Institute Reduce cost by as much as 75% Formed with semiconductor particles- inorganic Less than $20 per square meter Nanoparticles convert solar energy into steam 2. 10% more efficient than typical photovoltaic cells First used for water purification, still being developed for energy usage 90% of electricity is produced from steam, incredible potential for this technology 3.United States Energy Department is preparing a new test in Washington State summer of 2013 Could reduce greenhouse gas emission by 20% Captures solar energy in chemical forms, breaking water and natural gas molecules and rearranging the atoms New synthesis gas burns cleaner than pure natural gas
Works Cited " How Does Solar Power Work - Solar Power Facts - SolarCity." Solar Panels, Solar Power Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency - SolarCity. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr Bocchine, Sheila. "Pros & Cons of Solar Power/Panels -" - Find Where and How to Recycle. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr "Clean Energy." Clean Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr "Rice unveils super-efficient solar-energy technology." Rice University News & Media | Rice University News & Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr "SOLAR ENERGY." Al and Jason's Energy webpage. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr Sullivan, Liisa. "How Solar Energy Is Produced? |" eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. | N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Apr Westenhaus,. Brian. "New Technology to Reduce Cost of Solar Energy by 75%." Oil Prices & Energy News: Crude Oil Price Charts, Investment Advice. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr Westenhaus,. Brian. "New Technology to Reduce Cost of Solar Energy by 75%." Oil Prices & Energy News: Crude Oil Price Charts, Investment Advice. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr Westenhaus,. Brian. "New Technology to Reduce Cost of Solar Energy by 75%." Oil Prices & Energy News: Crude Oil Price Charts, Investment Advice. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr Whitburn, Greg. "13 Fundamental Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy." Exploring Green Technology | Solar, Wind, And Green Energy Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr