Turning Grinding Sawing Milling Drilling & Deburring Prep Inspect Ship
Process Sheet Technical data Work standards
Figure B7 in Tour B illustrates processes (conversions) for “typical” part PrepMillGrind Inspect & Ship Turn
Turning Grinding Sawing Milling Drilling & Deburring Prep Inspect Ship
From/To Chart* What do we learn from this? * standard “IE” tool
Process Flow Charts We will refer to this as a process flow graph rather than a process flow chart, because this shows only the structure of the flows, and not the detailed operation information.
What if only one punch? 2 3
Gantt Chart Punch base first separate inspect assemble subassemble form roof form base punch baseroofgarage base waits 46
Basic Facility Description Receiving dock & staging Shipping dock & staging Reserve Storage Forward Pick Office Yard
Reserve Storage Forward Pick Office Shipping dock & staging Receiving dock & staging
Warehouse Process Flow Receiving Reserve Forward Sort/Accumulate Pack/Ship suppliers customers
Process Flow R/C Staging Bulk Storage Surge R/C Storage Long Term Storage Replenishment Picking Areas: 1.Flow Rack 2.Carousels 3.Slow Units 4.High Value Merge AreaSortationShipping
Process Flow R/C Staging Bulk Storage Surge R/C Storage Long Term Storage Replenishment Picking Areas: 1.Flow Rack 2.Carousels 3.Slow Units 4.High Vol Merge AreaSortationShipping 45 pallets/hour pallet jacks 10 pallets/hour CB lift trucks 5 pallets/hour NA truck 30 pallets/hour CB lift trucks 40 pallets/hour CB lift trucks 5 pallets/hour NA truck 45 pallets/hour or 540 cartons/hour rider OP truck 540 cartons/hour rider OP trucks 12,960 pc/hour 10 pallets/hour CB lift trucks