Our solar system includes the sun, the planets and many smaller objects.
The inner planets are the four planets nearest to the sun. Mercury Venus Earth Mars
The outer planets are the four planets farthest from the sun. Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
A satellite is a smaller body that revolves around a larger body. The moon is a natural satellite of the Earth.
A comet is a body of ice, rock and dust that was formed in the cold outer solar system and orbits the sun.
Asteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit the sun, found mainly in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
A meteoroid is a rocky body smaller than an asteroid. Meteors burn up in Earth’s atmosphere. Meteorites do not burn up entirely and strike the ground.
Relative distances
A U = the average distance of Earth from the sun AU=149,600,000 kilometers AU=92,957,000 miles
Sun 0.0 AU Mercury 0.4 AU Venus 0.7 AU Earth 1.0 AU Mars 1.5 AU Asteroid Belt 2.8 AU Jupiter 5.2 AU Saturn 9.6 AU Uranus 19.2 AU Neptune 30.0 AU
Sun =0 cm Mercury =4 cm Venus =7 cm Earth =10 cm Mars =15 cm Asteroid Belt =28 cm Jupiter =52 cm Saturn =96 cm Uranus =192 cm Neptune =300 cm