1 Welcome to IT 323 Software Engineering II 1 st semester, 2012/2013
2 Overview Course: IT323 – Software Engineering II Blog: Instructor: Name: Nourah AL-Rossais Position: Lecturer Education: ◦BSc. from King Saud University, KSA ◦MSc from King Saud University, KSA How to contact me ◦2 nd level. Office#91 ◦Office hours hanged on my door, or by appointment. ◦
3 Textbook “Software Engineering”, Ian Sommerville, 9 th edition, Addison-Wesley. “Modern System Analysis and Design”, Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George, Joseph S. Valacich. Fourth edition.
Course Objectives Develop an understanding of architecture design, user interface design and software evolution process. Ability to explore major techniques in rapid software development including: software reuse, CBSE and extreme programming. Ability to conduct integration systems / understand integration issues in SE. Develop an understanding of configuration management and quality management. Ability to work effectively in group to complete software engineering task. Ability to communicate effectively with audience. Ability to use computing skills related to testing strategies and product metrics. 4
Course topics DFD Architecture Design Interface Design Software Development ◦Software Reuse ◦Rapid software development ◦Extreme programming ◦Component-based software engineering Software testing & integration Software evolution and maintenance Software quality management System configuration 5
6 Grading scheme SubjectPoints 2 Midterms30% 1 Quiz5% Class Activities & Assignments5% Group Project20% Final Exam40% Total100%
7 Exams Calendar ExamDate Quiz 1 To be determined Midterm1 Tuesday, Nov 6, 2012 Midterm2 Tuesday, Dec 4, 2012
8 Policy Mobiles should be turned off/silent during lectures and tutorials You MUST attend with your original section. No makeup exams. Exceptions will be considered with evidence and the approval of the exam committee All assignments and project phases will be given with a strict deadline, and students are required to submit their assignments on or before the deadline. Academic dishonesty (plagiarism) is strictly prohibited, and both parties will be penalized. Attendance will be taken.