The Phonetic Alphabet L.O. – To be able to commence a game of exercise hangman over the radios.
So what is the Phonetic Alphabet? The Phonetic alphabet is the same as the normal alphabet but instead of using letters (abc) you use words (alpha bravo Charlie).
Why do we use the Phonetic Alphabet? The use of the Phonetic Alphabet is used for clarity when spelling words or saying letters over the radio.
What do you already know? AO BP CQ DR ES FT GU HV IW JX KY LZ M N
Are you right? AAlphaOOscar BBravoPPapa CCharlieQQuebec DDeltaRRomeo EEchoSSierra FFoxtrotTTango GGolfUUniform HHotelVVictor IIndiaWWhiskey JJulietXX-ray KKiloYYankee LLimaZZulu MMike NNovember
NOW FOR SOME FUN Almost !!!!!!
How to play exercise Hangman!!! As in normal hangman there is 2 sides 1)The people who guess (everyone else) 2)The word controller (one person)
Word controller Your first job is to think of a word e.g. tree If this is your chosen word on the radio you say MFL99 this is yourcallsign EXCERSISE HANGMAN 1 word 4 letters.
People guessing After the word controller has said the number of words/letters then you have to try and guess the word/s. To do this you say: Wordcontrollerscallsign this is yourcallsign EXCERSISE HANGMAN I guess x-ray over
Word controller Your second job is to reply to the guess by saying If it is correct: MFL99 this is yourcallsign EXCERSISE HANGMAN guess x-ray affirmative and then the position of the word that it is (so if the word was extra position 2) If incorrect change affirmative to negative and say the amount of incorrect guesses guessed
RULES There is only 10 guesses allowed Rules of the radio apply Remember to say exercise hangman Do not swear or misuse the radio Follow instructions for instructor at all times