L.O to be able to explain and understand the five main types of renewable energy sources and to compare them. Thinking Question – What does renewable energy mean? ALL – Should be able to understand and recall the five main types of renewable energy sources. MOST – Should be able to suggest advantages and disadvantages of the five main types of renewable energy. SOME – Should be able to compare the five main types of renewable energy and evaluate ideas. Keywords: Wind, Water, Solar, Geothermal, Biomass, Renewable, Power Plant, Generator
Thinking Question – What does renewable energy mean? Renewable Energy: Energy from a source that can be reused over again and does not add to the effects of global warming. (Please write this in your books)
Please write a brief summary in your books. It naturally decomposes. Sun’s power is trapped in biofuel for a long time Takes in Carbon Dioxide from the air. Destroys habitats Hard to transport
Easy to Extract Not weather dependant Not all places have geothermal energy. VIDEO Please write a brief summary in your books.
Sea water generator Free and reliable source Renewable! Villages and habitats can be destroyed and damaged by unnatural currents 1000 times heavier than air. Please write a brief summary in your books.
Generates lots of energy Renewable! Can be placed on both land and sea Turbines are expensive Weather dependant Can’t be placed everywhere (not enough wind) Please write a brief summary in your books.
VIDEO No moving parts Can be used to power homes too Works anywhere with sunlight Provide considerable amounts of energy Can be expensive to manufacture and buy. Needs frequent sunlight Please write a brief summary in your books.
ALL – Should be able to understand and recall the five main types of renewable energy sources. MOST – Should be able to suggest advantages and disadvantages of the five main types of renewable energy. SOME – Should be able to compare the five main types of renewable energy and evaluate ideas.
Using keywords and your notes, explain which renewable energy source you believe is the best. Try to compare the five different renewable energy sources too (show their differences and similarities). Keywords: Wind, Water, Solar, Geothermal, Biomass, Renewable, Power Plant, Generator Try to evaluate your ideas using advantages and disadvantages if you haven't already. E.G Although solar panels can generate lots of electricity, they will only perform when a good amount of sunlight is produced… The Water source however can perform when…