The Chinese in British Columbia
In the early 1850's the First Chinese arrived in North America amongst the many other prospectors searching for gold in California and BC
Due to racism the Chinese did not have the same opportunities so most reworked claims formally abandoned by white miners
By the time gold was fading in 1883 of the 2000 miners left 1500 were Chinese. Many other Chinese had opened stores, restaurants and had farms in BC
CPR In 1881 there was a shortage of workers for the CPR so they hired Chinese labourers
Between , 17,000 Chinese came to work on the railway earning $1.00 per day, providing their own food and lodging 600 Chinese workers died during the railway construction
The railway cheated many Chinese workers as they had been misled by cost of food and equipment which was deducted from their pay Forced to abandon dreams of moving back to China and moved to Victoria and Vancouver instead Caused an increase in racial tension
The Asiatic Exclusion League and the Knights of Labour were two groups that openly discriminated against and harassed Asians living in BC
Many Chinese did hard physical labour Were even cheated by the English speaking Chinese contractors that they worked for Two of the largest contractors, Loo Gee Wing and Sam Kee each had fortunes of near $ 1,000,000 by 1900
The Chinese also faced many social discriminations as they were segregated from the white, English speaking immigrants in BC In 1885 once the railway was completed a head tax of $50.00 was imposed on Chinese immigrants by the federal government to stop them from coming to Canada
Head Tax In 1900 Laurier's government increased the tax to $ In 1904 increased the tax again to $ Cut the immigrants coming to Canada from China from several thousand each year to 8 in 1905
In 1923 The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed banning any immigration from China In 1947 the government revokes the Chinese Exclusion Act and give Chinese the right to vote