Presenter: Ron Auvil
Presentation Outline: IAQ and Health Concerns Contaminants Air Sampling and Testing IAQ Test, Adjust, and Balancing Prevention Troubleshooting IAQ Problems with the Fluke 975 Air Meter
Owner, High Performance Mechanical Training; Consultant and Director of Control Stop Training in Charlotte NC. Graduate of West Side Institute of Technology in Cleveland Ohio In HVAC Industry over 38 years Licensed 3 rd Class Stationary Engineer 35 Years Part and Full Time Training Experience, including 16 yrs on Faculty of Community College Author, ‘HVAC Control Systems’, ‘HVAC and Refrigeration Systems’, ‘IT for HVAC Technicians’ and Future ‘Troubleshooting HVAC Systems’ American Technical Publishers. Technical Contributor Fluke Corporation. 17 Years with JCI as Lead Instructor HVAC and Controls
Today, people spend up to 90% of their time indoors. Asthma leads to 2 million emergency room visits and 5000 deaths per year. Asthma accounts for more than 14 million missed school days per year. Asthma also accounts for over 14 million missed work days per year. 20% of the US population spends their weekdays in schools. The young, old, and those with health problems are especially vulnerable.
costs. IAQ and Health Concerns
Reactions to contaminants are either acute or chronic. Acute effects are seen immediately. Chronic effects are seen long term.
effects they produce.
Mold is the most common contaminant in industrial buildings. However, it is possible for pollen and animal dander to enter a building’s air supply.
Cooling towers may be a breeding area for Legionella bacteria.
Asthma may be triggered by many different environmental factors. To minimize risk, certain basic steps should be followed.
Sick building syndrome and building-related illness both encompass diseases due to poor IAQ. Building-related illnesses have identifiable causes, whereas sick building syndrome conditions do not.
Contaminants may originate outdoors or indoors and often follow a certain airflow path. Contaminants
Asbestos is a mineral fiber that has been used commonly in a variety of building construction materials including pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, and building fireproofing.
Lead can be found in common sources such as drinking water, air, and soil. However, in sources such as old paint and lead pipes, there is a larger risk of lead becoming a harmful pollutant.
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, and toxic gas that can be produced from traffic, unventilated parking garages, heating equipment, and environmental tobacco smoke.
Carbon monoxide meters measure the amount of carbon monoxide in an air sample in parts per million (ppm).
Formaldehyde is used in a wide variety of products including particleboard, plywood, cosmetics, and permanent press fabrics. Formaldehyde is also released during certain activities, such as burning wood.
Exposure to high levels of radon may lead to lung cancer. Radon levels are measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L).
Volatile organic compounds are used in many products including cleaners, pesticides, paints and glue, cosmetics, perfumes, draperies, and carpets.
Certain conditions and contaminants can be measured easily with basic test instruments. Air Sampling and Testing
Direct-reading IAQ test instruments are usually calibrated every month but some test instruments only require calibration once a year.
The measurement of basic air properties, in addition to contaminants, provides a baseline for the general condition of air quality within a building.
Chemical smoke tests help determine how airflow is moving inside a space or between spaces.
Some carbon dioxide exposure limits have been set by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
Carbon dioxide measurement test instruments and procedures are similar to carbon monoxide measurement procedures.
The EPA has set permissible ozone limits for indoor building spaces.
Asbestos exposure limits vary according to the classification of the fibers.
Asbestos fibers are collected with an asbestos sample pump that must maintain a constant airflow during sampling.
Lead air samples are usually collected in a special canister that is then sent to a laboratory for testing.
Most laboratories offer a description of the density of fungal material found in a mold sample using generic terminology, such as levels one through four.
Mold sampling procedures vary when using the tape or vacuum air-sampling methods.
OSHA has set formaldehyde exposure limits for indoor air quality.
Formaldehyde sampling involves collecting particles with a passive (nonpowered) sampler and then sending the sampler to a laboratory for analysis.
The EPA has set some limits for radon exposure.
Radon leaks into various parts of a building from the basement or ground floor, making occupants susceptible to illness.
Proper verification of air-handling systems is necessary to prevent poor IAQ. IAQ Test, Adjust, and Balancing
Test instruments can measure various aspects of air-handling systems including air temperature, humidity, and airflow rate.
Test instruments must be properly calibrated before performing tests.
When beginning the TAB process, the HVAC system design should be checked to ensure it is compatible with the building configuration.
A detailed equipment check is performed after confirming that all components of an air-handling system are installed to design specifications.
Digital manometers are portable test instruments used to measure pressure and pressure differential in air systems.
To calculate the airflow rate of a duct, first find the duct area then solve for the airflow rate.
Capture hoods may be used for airflow measurements from a diffuser or grill.
Digital capture hoods can measure airflow rate to a space using a few procedural steps.
One technique for determining outdoor air quantities involves traversing the outside air duct.
Calculating the outdoor air percentage of a facility can be done if the outdoor-air, mixed-air, and return-air temperatures are known.
Connecting a capture hood (capture hood has reverse flow switch) to a return-air grill can be done to measure airflow in a reverse manner.
ASHRAE publishes standards concerning ventilation air requirements.
Air should circulate completely through occupied zone of a building to flush out contaminants.
Open area measurements may be used for purposes such as measuring drafts.
A wide array of chemicals may be found in commercial buildings and other facilities. Chemicals are used for many daily activities. Prevention
Keeping a chemical inventory can assist the facility main-tenance staff in quickly identifying detected odors and can help prevent IAQ problems.
Chemicals should not be stored directly next to return air ducts, other HVAC equipment, or electrical systems.
Material safety data sheets provide an extensive listing of information on a product including potential hazards and permissible exposure limits.
Contaminants can follow many different pathways. Each contaminant pathway can contribute to poor IAQ.
Troubleshooting IAQ Problems with the Fluke 975 Air Meter
Direct-reading test instruments are the instruments of choice for IAQ complaint investigations due to their mobility.
The outdoor air percentage is often calculated using an air meter that measures carbon dioxide.
Any Questions? Contact Information: Ron Auvil Cell: (803)