Encouraging Quality In Early Childhood Education and Care
Are The Proposed Analytical Questions Most Relevant To Answer The Overarching Policy Question Of The Project? The five questions are useful A special focus on: - parental involvement - flexible integration of child care and early childhood education curriculum and services - defining competencies of the two ministries involved (education and labour and social solidarity), municipalities and directors of school clusters
FOCUS POLICIES Projects and instruments to improve the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care Investment in the quality and expansion of care services New competencies for municipalities and responsibility to support ECEC services External evaluation of kindergartens and schools Reorganization of higher education courses, according to Bolonha Continuous training of pre-school teachers is mandatory (25 hours per school year) and contributes to career progress. Articulation of National pre-school education guidelines / National curriculum of basic education Strategies for improving teaching practice - support guides for implementing curriculum guidelines Participation of parents and stakeholders
Country specific policy profile Policy Tool Box The four dimensions presented are useful Importance of presenting how countries put in place policies that raise quality in ECEC Examples of “best practices” Country specific policy profile Identification and Selection of specific features International comparisons Definition of a policy agenda for implementation Facilitating consensus and preview results
Policy forum(s) Support the implementation of the policy agenda: Informing the general public Involving national experts Facilitating the engagement of stakeholders Sharing international experiences
Some Questions What are the strategies to ensure an integrate and flexible approach of child care and early childhood education curriculum and services? What strategies can be used to share responsibilities of central government, municipalities and directors of school clusters? Please describe means or strategies to ensure universal free access for ECEC. Please describe the national evaluation programme to measure child outcomes at the end of ECEC. Does your country have national curriculum guidelines for early childhood care? Is transition from 0-3 to 3-6 considered? Please map what is available in your country. Please share case studies as “best practices” for parental involvement in ECEC.
Encouraging Quality In Early Childhood Education and Care luisa.ucha@dgidc.min-edu.pt liliana.marques@dgidc.min-edu.pt