Accommodation Plans
Civil Rights legislation for persons with disabilities indicates that schools must afford students with disabilities equal opportunities “to obtain the same result, to gain the same benefit, or to reach the same level of achievement” as students without disabilities. Applies to entities that receive federal funding.
A person is considered disabled under 504 if: ◦ There is a presence of, record of, or is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment ◦ That impairment substantially limits one or more major life activity
Allergies Diabetes Obesity Orthopedic Impairment ADD/ADHD Arthritis HIV/AIDS Cancer Multiple Sclerosis Conduct Disorder Temporary Disability Chronic Migraines Epilepsy Tourette Syndrome Traumatic Brain Injury Cerebral Palsy Chronic Fatigue
Substantially limits, is subjective. You should consider the nature and severity of the impairment, the duration of the impairment, and any long-term impact of the impairment. Major Life Activity includes: Caring for ones self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.
Special Education IDEA Section 504 General Education Special Education IDEA
Section 504/ADA Civil Rights Law General Education Site Section 504 Coordinator School Responsibility Requires 504 Accommodation Plan Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activity Special Education Education Act Special Education Student Services Director Local, state, and federal responsibility Requires Individual Education Program (IEP) Eligibility under 1 of 14 categories
Autism Deafness Deaf-blindness Established Medical Disability (Ages 3-5) Hearing Impairment Mental Retardation Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Serious Emotional Disturbance Specific Learning Disability Speech Or Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment Blindness
Students with ADD/ADHD Students with processing deficits that do not have a significant discrepancy between ability and achievement Students who transitioned out of special education Students who are considered socially maladjusted Students who have a history of drug and alcohol abuse Students with health/ mental health needs Students with communicable diseases
Level 1 - Counselor: Reasonable adjustments to student’s program. Gather information. Share information with teachers. Level 2 - SST: Gather additional information. May try reasonable accommodations. May refer for assessment or gather medical information. Lower level problem solving. Level Team: Counselor is Case Manager. Team reviews data and determines eligibility for 504. Writes formal 504 plan, if eligible. Reviews plan with at least one time per year. Shares info with teachers and necessary support staff at beginning of each school year.
Counselor receives report of student’s difficulties Consultation with student, parent, teachers Collect any data to help determine if accommodations are necessary Make reasonable adjustments to students schedule
Reasonable adjustments not meeting student needs Counselor schedules SST meeting Prior to meeting, gather additional information including thorough CUM File review, teacher reports, necessary data, and medical information from doctor (i.e., Diagnostic Summary and district health questionnaire) to help determine substantial limitation SST may refer for additional assessment SST may attempt additional accommodations not yet tried in Level 1
Level 1 and Level 2 supports not sufficient to meet students needs Counselor serves as 504 Case Manager similar to IEP Case Manager Team reviews all relevant data and determines eligibility Team Develops plan Plan to be reviewed annually for continuation or modification of services Counselor to share 504 plan information with teachers at the beginning of each school year and follow student progress regularly Counselor to schedule meetings to problems arise to may require adjustments to the plan
Develop a district-wide §504 compliance plan Disseminate to each school building the compliance plan, with commensurate 504 procedures. Train school building §504 coordinators in §504 compliance/procedures. Develop, implement and disseminate a detailing of procedural safeguards. Work in partnership with the district's special education director. Communicate district-wide procedures to staff and parents. Continually seek new information relative to §504 compliance and update all data. Serve as the district liaison with the Office for Civil Rights. Allocate public resources with respect to the funding of §504 - non-special education services
Receives initial referral and post-referral information. Responsible for gathering any additional and necessary evaluation data. Responsible for notifying all §504 committee members of meetings. Obtains written permission for initial assessment. Responsible for sending notices to parents and scheduling Section 504 meetings. Assists in developing §504 modifications for eligible students. Ensures that annual review meetings are conducted. Conducts initial meeting and fills out required forms, conducts subsequent meetings as is necessary.
Must be an administrator Attends all 504 meetings. Ensures that parents are provided with a copy of 504 Parental Rights. Ensures the implementation of the §504 Plan by monitoring the plan and by keeping a written record of such monitoring. Note: 504 monitor and coordinator may be the same person.
FAPE Free and Appropriate Public Education 14 th Amendment Due Process & Equal Protection Clauses Personal Liability Failure to Follow 504 legal contract Civil Case