This PPT is divided into two parts: Login Type Important Settings
Different Types of Login There are six types of Login Client Login Branch Login Sub-branch login Region login Group login RM\TL login
Client Login Step 1: Open a client code in back office for it follow the following steps: Login your software Go to Master >> Client Master Open a client code and save it.
Step 2: Go to Utilities>> Web Live Setup>>Auto Update Common User
Select Client Enter account opening date if you want to update client with in date range Select Database Name Tick on this if you want to update PAN no for Password Step 3: Following window will open: Click on Proceed. It will update all client and display following message Enter branch id if you want to update client of a particular branch
After running auto update, go to client master Enter client code and press enter You will get I-net User Id
Branch Login Step 1: Open a Branch code in back office for it follow the following steps: Open your software Go to Master >> Branch Master Open a branch code and save it.
Select Branch Select Database Enter branch if you want to update for a particular branch ( in case of client only) Step 2: Go to Utilities>> Web Live Setup>>Auto Update Common User Click on Proceed. It will update all clients and display the following message
After running auto update go to Branch Master Enter branch code and press enter You will get I-net User Id
Step 1: Open a sub branch code in back office for it follow the following steps: Open your software Go to Master >> Branch Master Open a branch code and save it. Sub-Branch Login Click on Sub-Branch Add/Edit. Following window will open. Open Sub-branch and save from this option.
Select Sub- Branch Select Database Enter branch if you want to update for a particular branch (in case client code) Click on Proceed. It will update all sub-branches and display the following message
After running auto update, go to Sub-Branch Add/Edit Enter Branch code You will get I-net User Id Enter Branch Sub-Branch code and press enter
Region Login Step 1: Open a region code in back office for it follow the following steps: Login your software Go to Master >> Region Master Following window will open: Enter Region Code Enter Description Click on save
Now go to utilities>>System Utilities>> Web Live Setup>>I-Net User Maintenance Enter all details and save. Select user type Region Enter Location Enter password ‘12345’. This is default password Enter user description Enter User Id Select status enabled Click on save. Following message will open,click on ok
Click on this to get the map code for live, following window will open Select a row to map the code
Click on ok You will get I-net user id
RM/TL Login Enter RM/TL code and other details Click on save
Select RM/TL Select Database Click on Proceed. It will update all RM/TL records and display the following message Now go to utilities>>System Utilities>> Web Live Setup>>Auto Update Common User
Enter RM/TL code Now, you get the i-net user id to login live with RM/TL
Group Login Step 1: Login your software Go to Master >> Client Master Open two client code. Here, Code M and Code R are opened.Here we will make M Code group of R Group login is slightly different form other logins.For it we have to open two codes. Make a code group of another code. For it follow the following steps: M is a group R is client which comes under group M When you will login live with group M, it will show all the clients in this group
Now open another code R, fill all details in Profile tab and Account Fixes tab as Enter group client ( For example: enter group M ---- the code you have opened earlier Note: Group client and client code should have same branch
Select Client to update a group. This option is work for both client and group. Enter account opening date if you want to update clients with in date range Select Database Name Tick on this if you want to update PAN no for Password Following window will open: Select branch id, if you wants to update group for a particular branch Click on Proceed. It will update all groups and display following message
Important Settings Contract Note Cheque Image Downloading File Company Logo Uploading file Signature Viewing Display Message
For viewing and downloading digital contract note through client login Setting in Back-office (Capex/Commex/Fxfuture/spot) Masters >> Mail/FTP/Digital/SMS setup Folder structure should be Client-date wise Setting for Online Create a folder in c:\capexweb as For capex c:\capexweb\digital\client code\date For commex c:\capexweb\digital_com\client code\date For currency c:\capexweb\digital_fx\client code\date For spot c:\capexweb\digital_spot\client code\date Copy digital signature in these folders Note: 1. If back-office software (Capex/Commex/Fxfuture/spot) is installed on web server then follow the above steps. 2. If back-office software (Capex/Commex/Fxfuture/spot) is installed on another computer (other than web server) then map the drive of web server and the computer on which back-office software is installed.
For uploading cheque images through online and viewing image in backoffice Intial Setting (Back office Server) Utilities >> System File Maintenance >> System File Maintenance >>Control Accounts For Capex10 : Web cheque Image URL path : CAPEXWEB/CHEQUE/ Web cheque file path : c:\capexweb\cheque\ For Commex: Web cheque Image URL path define : EB/CHEQUE_COMMEX/ Note: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9999 is local ip of your live server with port( i.e 8085/1467) Intial Setting (Online Server ) Login live with admin. Admin >> Preferences. Enter financial cheque Upload File path details as c:\capexweb\cheque\ (for capex) and c:\capexweb\cheque_commex\ (for commex10) and save
Downloading any file from online >> for branches /clients On live >> Admin >> Preferences Download File Path ==\capexweb\download\capex\ Download File Path ==\capexweb\download\commex\ Download File Path ==\capexweb\download\fxfuture Create a folder in capexweb folder as, For cApex---c:\capexweb\ download\capex\branch For commex ---c:\capexwebdownload\commex\branch For fxfuture ---c:\capexweb\download\fxfuture\branch For nsdl ---c:\capexweb\download\nsdl\branch For cdsl ---c:\capexweb\download\cdsl\branch
Uploading any file on online Onlive >> Admin >> Preferences Upload File Path == c:\capexweb\upload\capex\ Upload File Path == c:\capexweb\upload\commex\ Create a folder in c:\capexweb as for capex--- c:\capexweb\upload\capex for commex-c:\capexweb\upload\commex for nsdl ---c:\capexweb\upload\nsdl for cdsl ---c:\capexweb\upload\cdsl
For setting company logo in Contract note Copy the JPG file of company logo In c:\capexweb folder and rename these files as shilpilogo.jpg
For viewing signatures in DPONLINE in client profile On live server Create a folder named signature in capexweb folder (as c:\capexweb\signature ) Copy all the.tif files in this folder We use tconvert.exe to convert. tif format to.gif format, To convert. tif format into. gif format follow the steps as shown in the image
For viewing signatures in CDSLONLINE in client profile On live server Create a folder signature_cdsl in capexweb folder (as c:\capexweb\signature_cdsl ) Copy all the.bmp files in this folder
To display any message Put file with.msg extension in c:\capexweb\message\common folder