B&B FRC Parent Satisfaction Survey Conducted March 2014 Presented May 2014
Overview of Assessment Process In 2009, CAPC, the Parent Cabinet, CPS and LPC designed a set of parent satisfaction questions based on the Protective Factors. Every 2-3 years, B&B FRCs embark on a project to assess the level of satisfaction experienced by the families currently being served. This report summarizes the results of the 2014 Parent Satisfaction Survey.
Data Source Parent Satisfaction Survey ▫Offered in English, Spanish, Russian and Hmong ▫Contained 5 point Likert Scale questions as well as qualitative questions Surveys were conducted in 4 ways ▫Face-to-Face interview (43%) ▫Phone interview (17%) ▫By family with B&B FRC staff available (23%) ▫By family without B&B FRC staff present (16%)
Qualitative Responses Participants had the opportunity to respond to four (4) fill-in questions. Categories were identified by reoccurring 10 or more times.
In a nutshell Responses Received: 705 (107 less than 2011) 420 English (22 Russian 7 Hmong) and 285 Spanish Ethnicity: 56% Hispanic, 19 % African American, 18 % White, 7 % Asian Those surveyed included an equal blend of home visitation and FRC families.
Cont… Half had received services for 3-6 months the other half ranged from 6 months-3 years 90% were female and 10% male 35% were and 58% were 30 years old and over Over 74% of those surveyed were not first time parents
Results Scale questions are presented in order. ▫Tables reflect both English and Spanish responses. ▫Responses are presented in percentages. Qualitative response questions are presented in aggregate. Each question starts with the statement “Since being connected to this FRC…”
Highlights Families enjoy interacting and learning from each other. ▫Learning from and being support by other parents received one of the lowest quantitative scores, yet it was commented on as one of the most valuable aspects of the program. ▫Families want more opportunities for fun/social interaction at the FRC. ▫They are seeking ways to share their input. ▫They want to build on their knowledge with skills.
Highlights cont… Staff are the key to success ▫The thing that parents like the most about being connected to the FRC is the support, help and information provided by the staff. NPP is doing the job ▫Terms such as Empathy, Take home assignment, Journaling, Parent-child activities, HV and so on clearly punctuated the positive impact of the program.
Highlights Cont… The FRC is the place to be ▫Parenting classes and events hosted by Family Resource Centers are seen as a major asset and are attributed by the majority of parents as the best part of the program.
Growth Opportunities I am better able to meet my family's basic needs with the resources I have. (50%) I feel this program has helped me reduce stress in my life. (62%) I feel this program is helping me to reach the goals I have set for my family and me. (59%) I have learned from and felt supported by other parents in the program. (55%)
Next Steps Gather feedback on survey from Meet & Greet and Parent Cabinet Develop action plan for top priority areas as identified by PMOC Provide data and analysis to funders for reporting purposes