Graduate Student Council Third General Body Meeting Nov. 15th, 2012
Presentation from Student Government
Roll Call
Agricultural and Life Sciences Family Youth and Community Sciences Food and Resource Economics Forest Resources and Conservation Plant Pathology Animal Sciences Natural Resources and Environment Horticultural Sciences Entomology and Nematology Agricultural Education and Communication Agronomy Environmental Horticulture Food Science and Human Nutrition Microbiology and Cell Science Plant Medicine Soil and Water Science Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Fisheries & Aquatic Science Business Administration Accounting Finance Insurance and Real Estate Economics Information Systems and Operations Management Management MBA Programs Marketing
Journalism & Communications Mass communication Nursing Professional Schools Dentistry Dental School Dental Programs Law Graduate Programs Law Veterinary School Veterinary Medicine Pharmacy Medicinal Chemistry Pharmaceutics Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Pharmacodynamics Medicine Medical School Molecular Cell Biology Neuroscience Genetics Physician Assistant Physiology, Pharmacology Genetics and Genomics (UFGI) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Immunology and Microbiology
Design, Construction and Planning Interior Design Urban and Regional Planning Architecture Landscape Architecture Building Construction Historic Preservation Education Teaching and Learning Special Education/School Psychology/Early Childhood (Counselor education) School of Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education Research and Evaluation Methodology
Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Industrial and Systems Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Sciences Civil and Coastal Engineering Computer and Information Science and Engineering Biomedical Engineering Agricultural and Biological Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Fine Arts Art and Art History Theatre and Dance Music
Health and Human Performance Health Education and Behavior Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Tourism, Recreation and Sports Management Health Professions Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Clinical and Health Psychology Speech, Language, & Hearing Science
Liberal Arts and Sciences German Studies Languages, Literatures and Cultures (French) Women Studies Mathematics Political Science Religion Astronomy Latin American Studies Psychology and Social Psychology Chemistry Classics Physics Anthropology Biology(Zoology, Botany, Biology) English Geography Geological Sciences History Linguistics Philosophy Sociology and Criminology Spanish and Portuguese Statistics Public Health Epidemiology Biostatistics Behavioral Science and Community Health (Rehab Counseling) Environmental and Global Health Health Services Research, Management and Policy Rehabilitation Science Doctoral Program
President NAGPS Conference Recap FSU GSO Recap Open position for Monthly graduate announcements Dusty Pfundheller
Vice President Wen Ji
Treasurer TAR “Pay Up To” line issues/ Micro grants Time period to collect reimbursement; physical presence (signature) required Bryan Griffin
Internal & External Secretary Whitney Fung: Will be taking over Internal Secretary Duties Updating listserv January Meeting, Room TBA
Webmaster Srikanth Koduru: historian Tushar:
Grants Chair Grants are disbursed from October applications Change in deadlines, next application period will close 12/3 and include travel as late as 3/1 Awarded ~55% of grants, midpoint of year Next grant meeting is 12/3 or
Social Chair Thanksgiving food drive for the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank Bill Schmahl
Graduate Affairs Chair GSC survey Sarab Kochhar:
International Student Affairs Nalini Kumar:
Newsletter Chair Second issue of the Grad Cannon in January “Call for Innovative News in Research”, looking for new students Sanjeev Gangadharan
Senate Report
Graduate Council Report
Committee Reports Libraries Committee Faculty Senate Social Committee Grants Committee
Don't forget to: Write down any departments you know are not listed or have changed names. Write down any suggestions. Find the University of Florida Graduate Student Council facebook Page. GSC IS HERE TO SERVE YOU!