U.K. Trip June 2015
The Team: The Team: Mrs. Andrews Ms. Botawala Mr. Clinton Mrs. Ellul Ms. Millan Mr. Russell
Important Dates and Times DEPARTURE - Tuesday 16 th June – please ensure that your child is in the airport no later than 5.45 p.m. DEPARTURE - Tuesday 16 th June – please ensure that your child is in the airport no later than 5.45 p.m. RETURN– Tuesday 23 rd June – E.T.A. Gibraltar Airport 7.00 p.m. RETURN– Tuesday 23 rd June – E.T.A. Gibraltar Airport 7.00 p.m.
Brunel University
Itinerary Tue 16 th : Arrival Tue 16 th : Arrival Wed 17 th :Science Museum Wed 17 th :Science Museum The Lion King (Lyceum). The Lion King (Lyceum). Thur 18 th :Thorpe Park. Thur 18 th :Thorpe Park. Fri 19 th :National Art Gallery. Fri 19 th :National Art Gallery. Windsor Leisure Pool. Windsor Leisure Pool. Sat 20 th : Colne Valley walk. Sat 20 th : Colne Valley walk. Billy Elliot (Victoria Pal). Billy Elliot (Victoria Pal). Sun 21 st : Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. Sun 21 st : Portsmouth Historic Dockyard.
Itinerary Mon 22 nd :Brent Cross Shopping Centre. Mon 22 nd :Brent Cross Shopping Centre. Tue 23 rd : Return. E.T.A p.m. Tue 23 rd : Return. E.T.A p.m.
Checklist Passport, swimming gear, light raincoat, cap, small umbrella, jumper/sweatshirt, T-shirts, school tracksuit (on), P.E. gear, socks, underwear, two towels, P.J.s, toiletries, slippers, plastic bag, small rucksack, travel game, reading book. Passport, swimming gear, light raincoat, cap, small umbrella, jumper/sweatshirt, T-shirts, school tracksuit (on), P.E. gear, socks, underwear, two towels, P.J.s, toiletries, slippers, plastic bag, small rucksack, travel game, reading book.
Reminders: Labelled medicines by Wed 10 th. Labelled medicines by Wed 10 th. Please be punctual at Gibraltar Airport Please be punctual at Gibraltar Airport Child to bring along passport in zipped compartment in their hand-luggage. Child to bring along passport in zipped compartment in their hand-luggage. Pupils are to wear the school tracksuit. Pupils are to wear the school tracksuit. Digital cameras are allowed – avoid expensive ones. Digital cameras are allowed – avoid expensive ones. No mobile phones but can bring M.P.3 players etc so long as they do not have internet connectivity. No mobile phones but can bring M.P.3 players etc so long as they do not have internet connectivity.
B4 u Go … Hand in Information/Medical Consent Forms Hand in Information/Medical Consent Forms Hand over Spending money Hand over Spending money Take information sheet Take information sheet