Immeuble Ibrahim C-1, Porte 1375, Rue 428, Niarela, Bamako, Mali, West Africa Phone No Mobile No
About the Country About Project Dogoro Research & Exploration Potential Exploitation Zone and Reserves Photos & Test Reports Mining Plan
About Mali Republic of Mali, Located in West Africa; Capital is Bamako Is a landlocked Country The various regions of Mali are: Gao, Kayes, Kidal, Koulikoro, Mopti, Segou, Sikasso and Tombouctou (Timbuktu). 90% + Population is Muslim. Climate is hot and semi-arid, sub-tropical Sahel. Bordered by Algeria, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Niger, Guinea and Senegal Population: 12 Million approx. Official Language is French, Local language Bambara
Industry relaxed & liberated since 1991 with enforcement of European-type and styled mining Codes. Established gold mining sector: 2nd largest gold producer in West Africa (25% of West African production). GDP contribution: 6.8% of GDP in 2008, approximately US$596m. Potential growth in gold (17 companies engaged in exploration) as well as iron ore, uranium, Gypsum, Limestone and bauxite. 7 large Gold Mines operating, many others being studied for viability, numerous small-scale Gold Mining Operations as well Other Mineral Exploitation taking place including Iron Ore
Boundary Points LatitudeLongitude AN 12°27’31”W 8°31’00” BN 12°27’31”W 8°09’17” CN 12°14’37”W 8°09’17” DN 12°14’37”W 8°23’50” EN 12°20’16”W 8°23’50” FN 12°20’16”W 8°37’52” GN 12°26’35”W 8°37’52” HN 12°26’35”W 8°31’00”
1.Physiographic and Topographical survey of the area. 2.Geological survey of the area. 3.Identification of potential exploitation zones. 4.Exploration through visual and trial dug pit and trenches. 5.Sample collection, testing and inference. 6.Quality and favorability of ores for steel making. 7.Geological computation of the ore reserves 8.Selection and validation of mining concept and methodology and its financial viability. 9.Logistic survey.
About the Concession: Location: The concession is located about 50 kms south- west of Bamako, the Capital City Accessibility : Siby is the biggest town of the concession and is connected to Bamako by tar Road on National Highway to Guinea. Further, the Iron ore deposits within the concession are approachable by mine roads. Topography: Major area under the concession is of highly undulated area with elevation ranging from 300 RL to about 680 RL. Drainage: A general radial drainage system has been noticed in the concession area. However, Baguefara is the Main Drainage of this area and is draining into Niger river in the East of this concession
The concession under study is about 65kms south of Bamako. The sharp contact between the Paleozoic and Proterozoic formations are noticed within the concession area. The area is bounded by NE – SW Sandstone ridges on NW and SE part of the concession. The area between the above ridges is covered by Paleozoic formations of Ferruginous nature, Birmian formations with granite / granodiorite and at places ultrabasic igneous intrusive bodies. The Birmian formations are showing a NE – SW trend with gentle dip towards SE.
Five potential exploitation zones have been identified. These zones are as under: 1. Zone A: North of Djoulafonda Area. 2. Zone B: South-West of Dogoro Area. 3. Zone C: North-West of Seguele Area. 4. Zone D: East of Sananfara Area. 5. Zone E: North-East of Karamokola Area Measured Geological Reserve in these five zone: Million Tons Area Cross-Sectional Method of Measurement is employed: Q g = C s * Li * Rf * Tf Types of Deposits: Mostly high grade float ore occurrences of all sizes from pebble to big boulders, size varies from 30mm to 800mm. Iron ore as conglomerates with laterite, size 100mm to 600mm. Insitu Beds in certain Potential Exploitation zones Iron ore Quality: Fe contents > 58% up to 66%. Other elements within permissible limit & favorable for steel making.
Methodology: Open cast Mining envisaged, top slice Mining approach. Manual and Mechanized ore collections. Ore raised and transported using tippers to pre screener, Crusher- screener production unit. Transportation to Dakar (load Port) by 18/22 Wheeler trucks, capacity of trucks up to 51 tons. Shipment to Destination Markets through Containerized shipments / Bulk Carriers.