Associate Degree Nursing Curriculum Improvement Project
Curriculum Improvement Project Grant 2006-2008 Funded from the North Carolina State Board of Community College Reserve Funds Each project is 2 years in length, but only funded on an annual basis based upon availability of funds Administered by the Division of Academic & Student Services in the NCCCS Office
Curriculum Improvement Projects A means of providing funding for system-wide projects in curriculum or instructional areas experiencing significant changes Job market developments Advances in technology New teaching & delivery methods Implementation of state or national educational initiatives Associate Degree Nursing and Early Childhood Education received grants for 2006-2008.
Curriculum Improvement Project Projects are based on the belief that the classroom instructor is the critical factor in the targeted curriculum area. Professional development activities form the foundation for curriculum development & upgrading Content, methodology, technology Each project is required to provide professional development for instructors, The 2 year project should result in innovative instructional strategies which have long-term, systemic impact.
Curriculum Improvement Project Basic Framework for all CIP 2 years in length Based at a resource college: Wake Technical Community College Full-time Director: Charlotte Blackwell Involve faculty from all other colleges offering the targeted curriculum area in achieving project objectives
CIP Management Team Project Director: Charlotte Blackwell College Instructional Administrator: Ben White; Alisa Nagler Program Consultants: Kim Jernigan & Jennifer Frazelle CIP Manager: Peggy Teague
CIP Mission Implementation of one Associate Degree Nursing Curriculum Standard Collaborative restructuring & revision of A45100 : integrated A45120 : nonintegrated
Curriculum Revisions Will reflect recommendations from Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Sciences report, “Health Professions Education: a Bridge to Quality in 2003” North Carolina IOM Task Force on the North Carolina Nursing Workforce
IOM Reports Acknowledge changing profiles of patients and recognize that nursing education programs are not educating nurses to meet those needs Set forth imperatives for nursing education programs
Imperatives for Nursing Education Programs A curriculum that prepares graduates with competencies to: Provide patient-centered care Work in interdisciplinary teams Employ evidenced based practice Apply quality improvement processes Utilize informatics
Needs & Emerging Issues Standards last updated in 1996 Major advances in healthcare sciences & services since 1996 update Curriculum revisions needed To educate students to provide safe, competent nursing care practices To update language in course descriptions in common course library To assure easy transferability of students among colleges
Needs & Emerging Issues To implement the NC Board of Nursing curriculum mandate to include the “5 Practice Competencies” from the IOM report To provide professional development activities to assist faculty with curriculum design and teaching/learning methods The “5 Competencies” give the curriculum new direction
Needs & Emerging Issues Changing curriculum focus Conceptual learning Methods that include: Increased technology Distant education Simulations Shift content heavy curriculum to a more conceptual learning based curriculum
Project Design & Implementation Objective # 1 Survey faculty/directors/deans to determine curriculum & professional development needs associated with changes needed to incorporate: NC BON standards NLN standards IOM recommendations regarding educating the workforce in NC
Project Design & Implementation Objective # 2 Review professional literature to determine what the workforce employers & the nursing profession needs from the next generation of nurses and how best to implement the NCBON standards, the IOM recommendations, the NLN standards into one curriculum plan for all NC community college ADN programs Review of literature will provide: Needs of workforce employers, how informatics impacts nursing skills & client care; how to integrate best-research with clinical expertise & client values for optimal care using evidence-based practice; ways to identify hazards & errors regarding the use of quality improvement processes to measure client outcomes and to develop changes in processes of client care.
Project Design & Implementation Objective # 3 Form a Curriculum Development Focus Group Faculty/directors/deans Consultants from NC Board of Nursing Representatives from NLN Education consultants from the NCCCS Representatives from industry/employers Focus Group will assist with review of literature, the NC BON standards, the NLN standards, the NC community college standards, the IOM recommendations, and curricula from various ADN programs nationwide. EVERY college will have a representative and every voice will be heard.
Design & Implementation Curriculum Development Focus Group Will Review Professional literature NC community college standards NC Board of Nursing standards NLN standards IOM recommendations Curricula from ADN programs nationwide
Design & Implementation Objective # 4 Coordinate meetings at various locations throughout NC to involve “Focus Group” members in discussions regarding curriculum changes Express opinions & concerns of faculty/directors from colleges represented Propose curricula changes which will lead to curricula development & adoption Members will explore how to incorporate the integrated and non-integrated ADN curricula into ONE curriculum standard.
Design & Implementation Objective # 5 Revise & restructure the ADN curricula to reflect one Curriculum Standard which incorporates the major advances in nursing and healthcare practices IOM recommendations for nursing workforce NC Board of Nursing requirements NLN requirements NCCCS requirements Needs of healthcare industry The ADN curriculum will reflect the standards and recommendations of these groups and ONE curriculum Standard will be adopted.
Design & Implementation Objective # 6 Provide faculty professional development, as needed, in support of curricular development & adoption Video conferences Web conferences Phone conference calls State-wide workshops Discussion groups/ forums
Project Outcomes Multi-institutional effort that leads to the adoption and implementation of one Associate degree Nursing Curriculum Standard which meets the standards of all the accrediting agencies and reflects the advances in nursing and healthcare practices.
Project Outcomes One curriculum standard which will ensure a seamless articulation for students moving among the institutions of the community college system Increase in nursing student retention throughout the multi-institutional campuses due to improved articulation
Project Outcomes Increase in number of nursing graduates throughout the multi-institutional campuses Better prepared graduates for current workforce expectations
Project Outcomes Faculty professional development in support of curricular development & adoption Effective dissemination of project results to the broader community Enhance the knowledge & abilities of faculty/directors/deans to continue with program updating
Associate Degree Nursing CIP Every one will have a voice Stay informed & get involved E-mail me at: Call me at: 919-250-4334 Know your college’s representative and give them your input
Technology Focus Group Web-based instruction Investigate the implementation of online hybrid nursing courses Recommend appropriate software, assess use of PDAs, iPods, streaming video, etc. Assess opportunities and mechanisms for resource sharing among institutions.
Research Focus Group Conduct literature searches Using evidenced-based practice in the design of a nursing curriculum Designing a conceptual based curriculum Healthy People 2010 NLN standards Institute of Medicine Report, “Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality” Board of Nursing “5 Practice Competencies”
Professional Development Focus Group Conduct a needs assessment of nursing faculty across the state and recommend professional development topics, locations, and speakers Conceptual vs content based curriculum NLN Core Competencies Evidenced-based practice Informatics, technology, simulations
Simulations Focus Group Develop plans and cost analysis for simulation laboratories. Develop recommendations for purchasing equipment in stages, sharing equipment among institutions, faculty education of equipment, and obtaining grant support for purchasing equipment. Arrange a “Simulation Fair” at one of our future meetings so vendors can showcase and demo equipment
How Did They Do That Focus Group What are the best ADN programs in the nation doing that we are not? How do we measure up? Who are the national “flag ship’ ADN programs and how did they get this distinction? Which states have the most cohesive, successful community college ADN programs and how may we achieve that status? In the North Carolina Community College System, what are the ADN programs doing that we need to be proud of? Find the “one thing” that each college does great