LESSON 17 CONNECTIONS 1.James is the president of a charity that has been asked to help a foreign country that hates the U.S. but is experiencing a severe famine. If you were the pastor, what advice would you give James? Why? Offer help. Jesus asks us to help all people in need, even our enemies. It can also be a witnessing opportunity to tell them about Jesus.
LESSON 17 CONNECTIONS 2.Why did the good Samaritan help the wounded man? The wounded man was in need.
LESSON 17 CONNECTIONS 3.Who are our neighbors? Believers – YES Unbelievers – YES Those who are in need – YES Grandparents – YES Orphans and widows – YES Brothers and sisters – YES Enemies – YES All people – YES
LESSON 17 CONNECTIONS 4.1 Timothy 2:3,4 shows one important reason why we should treat our enemies as our neighbors. What is that reason? God wants all people to be saved. If we help our enemies, they may listen to us talk about our Savior.
THE 6 TH COMMANDMENT: MARRIAGE Lesson 18 Faith Foundations Course One
What is marriage?
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 1.Recall from Genesis 2:18-24 how God observed that Adam’s life without a mate was not complete. But instead of making a mate immediately, God brought the animals before Adam so he could name them. Why did God do that? He wanted Adam to realize that unlike the animals, he didn’t have a mate suitable for him.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 2.Read Mark 10:6-9. Jesus shows clearly that when God brought Adam and Eve together, he wasn’t simply bringing them together so they would be friends. He was establishing marriage. Which words express that truth? “Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 3.The following passages point to three blessings that God gives through marriage. a. Genesis 1:27,28 Children.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 3.The following passages point to three blessings that God gives through marriage. b. Genesis 2:18-20 Companionship.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 3.The following passages point to three blessings that God gives through marriage. c. 1 Corinthians 7:2-5 Sexual happiness.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 4.Describe the blessing of companionship you might receive in the following situations. a. When I’m disappointed with the circumstances of life… I would have someone to talk to. My spouse could encourage me.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 4.Describe the blessing of companionship you might receive in the following situations. b. When something very good happens… I would have someone to share my happiness with. Good times can seem empty if we have no one to share them with.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 4.Describe the blessing of companionship you might receive in the following situations. c. As we worship God in our home… My spouse and I can thank God for his many blessings, and encourage each other to remember the many promises of God.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 5.We love many people. But the love for a spouse is a special kind of love. Read Hebrews 13:4 and fill in the blanks. Marriage should be _______ by all, and the marriage ___ kept ____.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 5.We love many people. But the love for a spouse is a special kind of love. Read Hebrews 13:4 and fill in the blanks. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 6.What is meant by “the marriage bed”? The sexual relationship.
A SPECIAL GIFT FROM GOD 7.How is the marriage bed kept pure? When sex is kept within the marriage relationship between one man and one woman. The sexual relationship is a way of expressing the special union that makes two persons one.
KEY POINT #1 Marriage is a… special relationship established by God.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 8.Recall the account of Isaac’s marriage to Rebekah in Genesis 24. How long had they known each other before they were married? A very short time. The Bible suggests that they were married immediately.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 9.Love didn’t have time to develop during a time of dating as is our custom. So why did Isaac marry Rebekah? He chose to marry her. Isaac was determined to marry a believing woman. Since God had directed the search for his wife, Isaac committed himself to marry and love her.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 10.In what way is the attitude Sarah’s parents have about marriage different from that of Isaac and Rebekah? They’re active as if love is no more than a feeling. They seem to have no commitment to love each other.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 11.Read Ephesians 5:25. How is Christ’s love for his church an example of how husbands are to love their wives? Jesus died for us. A husband must love his wife so much he is willing to die for her.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 12.Mrs. Forgast developed Alzheimer’s disease so she didn’t recognize her husband anymore. Why do you think Mr. Forgast refused to divorce his wife and still went to visit her every day? He had committed his love to her. Her sickness didn’t destroy that commitment.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 13.Read Mark 10:6-9 again. According to this passage, how many people are involved in the marriage union? One man and one woman.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 14.What did Jesus mean when he said, “Let man not separate”? Ending marriages in divorce is disobedience to God.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 15. Chad said: “I really don’t expect my marriage to last. But it will be fun as long as it lasts.” If you were Chad’s friend, how might you use Malachi 2:13-16 to encourage Chad to change the way he thinks about marriage? God hates it when people take marriage lightly and break it. Unless we can make that promise with a complete commitment to our spouses, we shouldn’t make it.
A SPECIAL PROMISE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE 16.Read Romans 7:2. How long does the commitment between a husband and a wife last? Until the death of one of the spouses.
KEY POINT #2 Marriage is a lifelong union based on a commitment between one man and one woman.
WHAT IS MARRIAGE? 1.Marriage is a special relationship established by God. 2.Marriage is a lifelong union based on a commitment between one man and one woman. SUMMARY Marriage is a lifelong union established by God and based on a commitment between one man and one woman.
THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT You shall not commit adultery. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we lead a pure and decent life in words and actions, and that husband and wife love and honor each other.
Mark 10:9 “What God has joined together, let man not separate.”