Dr. P. Madhava Soma Sundaram & Dr. P. Govindaraju Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli
To produce / Create E-Content on selected topics of socio-legal importance, in the field of criminology like Constitution of India, Criminal Justice system, Gender Harassment, Wife abuse and related Human Rights Issues, Victimology, Child Abuse, Terrorism and Cyber crime. To disseminate the e-content through the one stop educational portal, Sakshat and the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University website to the students of criminology, law, sociology, social work and psychology. To provide capacity building materials to the orientation and training of Police, Judicial and NGO personnel.
Students of Post Graduate courses in Law, Criminology, Psychology, Sociology, social work, social science, Political science and public administration. Capacity building of police, judiciary, Correctional officers, advocates, public prosecutors, and NGO personnel Women issues will be useful to Women in colleges, school Girls in senior classes irrespective of their courses and working women. Personnel working with any organization on issues related to justice delivery and women issues. Common Citizens & members of Civil society
Project Coordinator Dr. P. Madhava Soma Sundaram Head, Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice M.S.University & Research co- ordinator MSU Off: Res: Co-Project Coordinator Dr. P. GOVINDARAJU Dean – Faculty of Arts, Professor & Head, Department of Communication M.S. University, Tirunelveli Off: , Res:
The Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice will produce the content for the following Modules: Constitution of India Criminal Justice system Gender Harassment Wife abuse and related Human Rights Issues Victimology Child Abuse Terrorism and Cyber crime
Each of the Module mentioned above will be a course, by itself, and the E content will comprise of reading material, quizzes, PowerPoint materials, Expert lectures in video, Learning points and a test at the end of the module which the learners can self administer. The collaborating department - The Department of Communication, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli will use its expertise in producing the e-content, by using its studio, editing and dubbing facilities.
The eight proposed modules of the E-Content, to be produced, will have 6 hours of E-Content. The proposed e-content would be produced on international standards. With the experience gained in educational TV productions and e-content production, the project Coordinators will be able to co-ordinate and produce eight modules of e-content. The Co-Project coordinator, Dr. P. Govindaraju, Professor & Head, Coordinator of UGC Special Assistance Programme DRS-I, has earlier served in Educational Multimedia Research Centre (previously known as Audio Visual Research Centre) for 15 years and contributed for the production of ETV programmes telecast under UGC Countrywide Classroom.
NoActivity (Technical expertise) Amount Rupees 1 Academic Research 50,000 2 Lesson Writing (Lesson, quiz, test, learning points, feed back) 50,000 3 Script writing 50,000 4 Honorarium for Subject Expert 50,000 5 Books/Journals 25,000 6 Secretarial Assistance 25,000 7 Peer Review 30,000 Component A Total 2,80,000 NoActivity (Technical expertise) Amount Rupees 1 Script Development 50,000 2 Honorarium for Cameraman 30,000 3 Honorarium for Non Linear Editor 30,000 4 Honorarium for Graphics/Animation & Flash/Multimedia 50,000 5 Studio/Floor Rentals 30,000 6 Honorarium for the Director 50,000 7 Camera, Technical and Production Assistance 30,000 Music Composition 20,000 Component B Total 2,90,000
NoNo Activity (Technical expertise) Amount Rupees 1 Travel for Experts & Shooting crew 85,000 2 Transport 30,000 3 Refreshments 10,000 4 Consumables 10,000 5 Telephone/Internet/Bandwidth charges 10,000 6 Overhead Charges to the University 50,000 7 % 75,000 Component C Total 2,70,000
NoActivityAmount 1Component A2,80,000 2Component B2,90,000 3Component C2,70,000 4Cost of Production for One Module of E- Content = A+B+C 8,40,000 To Produce 8 Modules of E-content 8,40,000 per module) 8 X 8,40,000 Rs. 67,20,000
No.DescriptionTime Required 1.Academic Research 15 Days 2.Lesson Writing 15 Days 3.Script Writing and Peer Review 15 Days 4.Actual Shooting 10 Days 5.Post Production 10 Days 6.Reviewing the final content 15 Days 7.Packaging and Delivery 5 Days 8.Feedback and Modifications 5 Days 90 Days Total Time Required 3 Months
NoBreak Up of Recurring ItemsOne ModuleEight Modules 1Manpower 1,35,00010,80,000 2 Contingency50,000 4,00,000 3 Consumables50,000 4,00,000 4 Travel and Transportation1,15,000 9,20,000 5 Miscellaneous75,000 6,00,000 Total Recurring - A 4,25,000 34,00,000 NoBreak Up of Non-Recurring ItemsOne ModuleEight Modules 6 Preproduction work2,60,000 20,80,000 7 Books and Journals25,000 2,00,000 8 Post Production work80,000 6,40,000 9 Over head charges50,000 4,00,000 Total Non-Recurring -B4,15,000 33,20,000 Total A+B8,40,00067,20,000
NoItem No. of Modules4 Nos 2 Recurring Expenditure 17,00,000 3 Nonrecurring Expenditure 16,60,000 Total33,60,000
The Manonmaniam Sundaranar University will transfer the copyrights of the E-contents produced with the financial assistance of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, to facilitate the free distribution of the E-content (open source material) through the one stop educational portal Sakshat and through other means to reach the maximum reach.
Contact Details Dr. P. Madhava Soma Sundaram