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Parent and Family presentation
Presentation transcript:

Parent and Family Presentation Project Deandra Downey Ivy Tech Community College My name is Deandra Downey, and I represent Ivy Tech Community College. Your student was referred for an evaluation for the special education program that we offer at our school. I will explain what an exceptional learner is, and the normal process to determine an exceptional learner and give you additional resources to find out more information and for any questions you may have.

INTASC, Rationale and Standards Page Standard # 2: Learning Differences The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. Name of Artifact: Parent and Family Presentation Project Date: Feb. 23, 2014 Course: EDUC 230: Exceptional Learners Brief Description: This is a power point that I would present to a parent of an exceptional learner, to describe what the difference between a disability and a handicap is. This also displays resources the parents could use for their learner. Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard 2, Learning Differences, I created this power point that shows I understand how to use strategies and resources to address the needs of an exceptional learner. This also shows that I understand how to ensure there are inclusive learning environments for each student to make sure that they meet high standards to the best of their ability.

What we’ll discuss: Disability v. Handicap Definition of Special Education Identifying an Exceptional Learner Pre-referral Team (PRT) Response to Intervention (RTI) Individual Education Program (IEP)/Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) Resources for Solutions and further information. Parent Organizations Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Disability v. Handicap A disability is an ability to do something or an impairment. A handicap is a disadvantage imposed on an individual. First, I think it is important that you know the difference between a disability and a handicap. In our society, we don’t really distinguish between the two. We often think of them as having the same definition.

Definition of Special Education Special Education is a lesson plan designed around a student’s unusual needs, that may require special materials, teaching techniques, equipment or facilities. Special Education is a more controlled environment, and involves more structure, with a higher teacher-pupil ratio. An example of this is that your student may need to sit closer to the front or may need added information to the material to understand it better.

Identifying an Exceptional Learner When a teacher notices that a child is struggling, a group of professionals, for example, teachers, counselors, administrators and psychologists, called a pre-referral team (PRT), meet with the general education teacher to identify alternate ways for the student to grasp the lesson before they refer the child for a special education evaluation. If the student continues to struggle, then they will be referred to a special education teacher for a full evaluation. This is the point where we are with your student, where your student was struggling, and evaluated, then later referred for a full evaluation.

Response to Intervention (RTI) This is a process to determine whether a child has a specific learning disability, and to determine whether the child responds to scientific research based intervention as part of the evaluation. The RTI is a three tiered model to assess student’s, and is used as an alternative option to determine if a student is eligible for special education.

Response to Intervention Cont. In Tier 1 all students are screened and receive excellent research based instruction in the general education classroom. Their progress is monitored weekly and those who are unresponsive to this move to Tier 2. This includes more intensive instruction. Instruction is in small groups by a teacher or highly trained assistant. Their progress is monitored more often than in Tier 1. If this doesn’t work, students move to Tier 3 where they receive the most intensive intervention by a special education professional. Then placement occurs based on their IEP, and their progress is monitored more frequently.

What is an IEP? An IEP or Individualized Education Program is a legal document that describes the educational services a student receives. An IEP must include The students current academic and behavior level. The goal we like them to attain. The plan of how we can reach that goal. IFSP (Individual Family Service Plan) is similar to IEP, but it focuses on the family, and the child. Federal regulations want the family to be involved in the planning of the development of this plan.

Organizations and Resources Parent Organizations Informal group who understands the issues you as the parent face on a daily basis. Provide information about services and additional resources. Provide structure for the family in getting services for the children. The following associations were formed as a result of parents’ efforts: National Association for Gifted Children ( Learning Disabilities Association ( Autism Society of America ( Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health (

Additional Resources and Information IDEA( Individuals with Disabilities Act: A federal law passed in 1975 originally, and amended in 1990, then amended again in 1997, then reauthorized in 2004. They make sure that all children with disabilities have the right to a free and appropriate public education. These are all of the websites available to you so that you can reach some of these organizations with any questions or solutions.

Closing Remarks That was an overview of what is involved in Special Education, and how children are evaluated. You were given additional resources to assist you, and I hope that they will help you in your family’s decisions on this matter. This will be a new journey for your family, but it will be an obstacle that you all can overcome with support and research to help you.

Reflection I chose these topics because I wanted to think from a parent’s perspective. If I was a parent of an exceptional student, I would like all of the help I could get to make the best of what we were given. I think that I would like the information that I introduced, so that I could be comfortable with the processes the school system uses. I thought it to be important that the family had the websites readily available, so that they could look up the resources, and also contact them with their more detailed questions and concerns. I appreciate this project, because we don’t think about what the parent’s have to deal with when it comes to their student’s education. I feel that most people think that exceptional student’s are automatically put in special education classes. This, of course is not the case. I have a better understanding of what processes are taken when deciding if a student needs to be in a special education class. I also have a better understanding of how much a school can be supportive with just this simple information given, just letting the parent know, that we’re here, and we have resources for you to use.