Dept Social Medicine Health System Performance Management quality for better or for worse Niek Klazinga, April 27 2010 London LSE/NHS Confederation.


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Presentation transcript:

Dept Social Medicine Health System Performance Management quality for better or for worse Niek Klazinga, April London LSE/NHS Confederation

Dept Social Medicine Reasons for international comparisons on performance related to quality of care Accountability Strategic decision making Learning/improvement

Dept Social Medicine Table 1.1 Conditions under which performance measurement is possible and problematic is possible and problematic Performance measurementpossible Performance measurement problematic  An organization has products  An organization has obligations and is highly value-oriented  Products are simple  Products are multiple  An organization is product-oriented  An organization is process-oriented  Autonomous production  Co-production: products are generated together with others  Products are isolated  Products are interwoven  Causalities are known  Causalities are unknown  Quality definable in  Quality not definable in performance indicators  Uniform products  Variety of products  Environment is stable  Environment is dynamic Source: Managing performance in the public sector. De Bruijn H. (2002), p. 13

Dept Social Medicine Measurement and Management A measure on quality of care does not exist independently validation is dependent on the use/purpose Validation is dependent on the boundaries of the universe it is supposed to signal upon Measures need to be integrated in management/decision making mechanisms of government, financiers, managers, professionals and patients Apart from reliability and validity, relevance and usefullness are important criteria for selecting quality measures As a consequence the users should be involved in the development of the measures

Dept Social Medicine Health systems performance management Health Systems (scope, components and boundaries) Performance (objectives on various dimensions such as health results, efficiency and equity – measurement challenges) Management (heterogeneous national governance models, integration of performance indicators in management mechanisms)

Dept Social Medicine Related policies Health system sustainability Integrated care Prevention Patient Centered Care Equity Regulated market Incentive structures

7 Conceptual Framework for OECD Health Care Quality Indicator (HCQI) Project. (shaded area represents the current focus of the HCQI Project) Source: Arah OA, et al. A conceptual framework for the OECD Health Care Quality Indicators Project. International Journal Quality Health Care. 2006; Sep 18; Suppl.1:

Dept Social Medicine Combining various rationalities Public Health Medicine Management sciences Economics Societal / individual values

Dept Social Medicine Performance indicators and benchmarking related to mortality data -avoidable mortality (health system level) -standardized mortality rates (hospital level) -limitations of death statistics

Dutch hospital standardised mortality ratios (HSMRs) vs hospital (standardised for age, sex, urgency/readmission, LOS within 50 CCS groups leading to 80% all deaths, excluding small hospitals and those with poor data recording, using year 2000 standard)

Dept Social Medicine Performance indicators and benchmarking related to cancer care CONCORD study Eurocare Limitations of cancer registries and limited possibilities for linking with other (administrative) data-bases

Dept Social Medicine Performance indicators and benchmarking on care delivered in hospitals PATH, OECD, many national projects ………… Limitations (administrative) data-bases -Quality of coding practices -Lack of (internationally) standardized procedure codes -Lack of coding of secondary diagnoses -Lack of present at admission coding -Lack of linking via UPI’s -Limitations Electronic Health Records

Dept Social Medicine Patient Safety Indicators Indicators based on administrative databases Adverse event reporting Safety culture

24 Indicators –Foreign body left in during procedure (PSI 5) –Catheter related bloodstream infections (PSI 7) –Postoperative pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis (PSI 12) –Postoperative sepsis (PSI 13) –Accidental puncture and laceration (PSI 15) –Obstetric trauma -- vaginal delivery with instrument (PSI 18) –Obstetric trauma -- vaginal delivery without instrument (PSI 19)

Dept Social Medicine Performance indicators in primary care Avoidable hospital admissions Lack of comprehensive administrative data-sets

Avoidable hospital admission rates, 2007 Note: Data from Austria, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Switzerland and the United States refer to Data from the Netherlands refer to Data does not fully exclude day cases. 2. Data includes transfers from other hospitals and/or other units within the same hospitals, which marginally elevate the rates. 3. Data for CHF includes admissions for additional diagnosis codes, which marginally elevate the rate. Source: OECD Health Care Quality Indicators Database, 2009

Dept Social Medicine Patient experiences Service based surveys (CAHPS, Picker, CKZ) Population based surveys (Eurobarometer, WHO, CWF) Lack of standardization Lack of research on validation Lack of research on use

Limitations National Information Infrastructures Mortality Statistics Registries Administrative Data-Bases - secondary diagnoses - present-at-admission coding - unique patient identifiers Electronic Health Records Household and Patient Surveys Overall: privacy and data-protection

National Information Infrastructures Mortality statistics Registries (cancer) Administrative Databases Electronic Health Records Surveys UPI’s/co-morbidity UPI’s/coding-staging UPI’s, present-at- admission codes, secondary diagnoses Standardized secondary data-use, privacy concerns UPI’s

MARQuIS - Methods of Assessing Response to Quality Improvement Strategies Hospital Level Q.I. Strategies Ward Level AIMDeliveriesAppendicitis QI Strategies Outputs 1.2. Analysis of strategies inter-connection Audit and internal assessme nt Clinical guidelines Performa nce indicator s Organiz ational quality Patient s’ safety Patients’ views 51% Exploratory Factor Analysis Strategies Loading weights - Patient Safety Systems - TQM - Performance Indicators - Systems for getting Patients Views - Clinical guidelines

Dept Social Medicine Health System Performance Management Whole system approach Sub-optimization Governance/stewardship Incentive structure Interconnection of strategies on performance indicators, guidelines, safety, TQM, patient experiences