W ILDLIFE P HOTOGRAPHY Rae Harrison th Hour Career Tech Foundation
I NTRODUCTION “What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” ― Karl LagerfeldKarl Lagerfeld I started liking photography when I went to England and I took a really good picture of a penguin. I would specifically want to do wildlife photography where you take pictures of animals, wildlife, and nature. Wildlife photographers research history, geography, and customs to get the job.
N ATURE O F W ORK Five responsibilities of wildlife photographers are: 1. They are given a story by an editor and take a picture to go with it. 2. They will travel to different locations, take photos, and then research ideas. 3. They can lead photography workshops if they work for more than one client. 4. They search for new assignments and write grant applications. 5. After you take the pictures you can edit your own work and make it beautiful!
W ORKING C ONDITIONS This job is mostly physical since you have to physically take the pictures. You would be outside taking pictures of animals, landscapes, or nature. The environment would be pretty much where ever you are. Wildlife photographers will be outdoors for long periods of time. You should be okay with camping and hiking. A wildlife photographer could be waiting hours, days, or even months to get the right shot.
T RAINING, Q UALIFICATIONS, & A DVANCEMENT A requirement you need is to go to a photography school. A two or four year degree in photography should be enough to learn basic and advanced techniques. A degree in zoology with a minor in photography is a good place to start to know about the animals you take pictures of.
J OB O UTLOOK /E MPLOYMENT I would want to work for a magazine so they could give me an assignment and I would travel to get the pictures. I would want to work somewhere warm or tropical.
E ARNINGS Salary goes for the least amount of $15,000 to the most of $50,000 a year. A really good photographer can earn over 60,000 a year.
R ELATED O CCUPATION A back up career would be a bartender. They have a good employment outlook and its easy to get a job as one because you learn on the job. You need to know the recipes of the drink and how to mix them fast and efficiently. They make $8-$10 an hour. My mom used to be a bartender so I can take some tips and it just seems fun and I get to talk to people everyday.
S UMMARY I look forward to going to new places and taking pictures of the pretty animals and pretty scenery. This is probably the number one reason I wanted to do this job in the first place. I don’t look forward to having to write essays and other papers for my job. I don’t really like writing long papers but I will do it for my job! I don’t know if I will learn much from this job but I could learn about the places I visit and have a lot of fun!
W ORKS C ITED portal.com/articles/Wildlife_Photographer_ Job_Description_Salary_and_Requirements. html e-photographer-job-description.html -photograph/946/