2014 Amended P&T Guidelines Public Forum Spring Term 2014
Amendments made to the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines by the Faculty Senate Job descriptions, promotion criteria, and evaluation procedures were added for the newly-created ranks of: Assistant, Associate, Full Professor of Practice/ Assistant, Associate, Full Clinical Professor Senior Instructor I & II Senior Research Assistant I & II Senior Research Associate I & II New language for Non Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) promotion processes replaces a short appendix to the P&T Guidelines added in 2009.
Impact of Amended P&T Guidelines for Departments: Re-ranking Individuals currently in the ranks of: Senior Instructor Senior Research Assistant Senior Research Associate Will have to be re-ranked as: Senior Instructor 1 or 2 Senior Research Assistant 1 or 2 Senior Research Associate 1 or 2
Impact of Amended P&T Guidelines for Departments: Reassignment Some departments will designate current faculty into new ranks as appropriate: Clinical Assistant Professor/ Assistant Professor of Practice Clinical Associate Professor/Associate Professor of Practice Clinical Professor/Professor of Practice All departments with NTTF faculty must write new job descriptions
In response to the new ranks: Your department should modify its Promotion & Tenure Guidelines if you have individuals who will be impacted by the new ranks. If necessary, add job descriptions, promotion criteria, and evaluation procedures for: Senior Instructor I and II Senior Research Assistant I and II Senior Research Associate I and II Assistant Professor of Practice/Clinical Assistant Professor Associate Professor of Practice/Clinical Associate Professor Professor of Practice/clinical Professor Practice
Tips for Revising Dept P&T Guidelines You may find that the job descriptions, promotion criteria, and evaluation procedures in the University Guidelines work well for your department. You may find that they need only minor modifications to apply to your department. You may not need to include all of the new ranks in your departmental guidelines if you don’t have individuals in those ranks. Feel free to use the job descriptions, promotion criteria, and evaluation procedures in the P&T Guidelines as examples you can modify for your department. The University Guidelines can be found at:
For an overview of the new ranks and promotion paths see pp (Part III). The new ranks parallel the promotion path for tenure-related faculty with two opportunities for promotion. Assistant ProfessorAssociate Professor Full Professor InstructorSenior Instructor I Senior Instructor II Research Assistant Senior Research Assistant I Senior Research Assistant II Research AssociateSenior Research Associate I Senior Research Associate II Assistant Professor ofAssociate Professor ofFull Professor of Practice/ Practice/ClinicalPractice/ClinicalFull Clinical Professor Assistant ProfessorAssociate Professor 9 new ranks
See pages 22-37, Part V. Administrative Roles and Procedures for further consideration as you revise your Departmental Guidelines. Highlights: “NTTF positions do not carry expectations for scholarly research” (p. 31) Evaluations outside the department are optional (p. 31). Responsibilities of the Department, Chair, P&T Committee, and candidate follow the same logic for the evaluation of tenure-related faculty (pp ). Distributions of the guidelines is required for “all members” (p. 31). Departments may require a narrative or self-evaluation (p. 31). Department chairs must provide a “statement of assurance that all eligible non-tenure track faculty have been reviewed;” (p. 34).
All previous pathways to promotion will continue to exist for fixed-term faculty employed at PSU prior to September 16, Appendix IV, pages assures continuation or promotion paths. Instructors hired before September 16, 2014 will still be eligible for promotion to Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor under the guidelines previously in place. However, if departments did not previously have these paths for fixed- term faculty, they will not create new ones. Guidelines for Fixed-term Faculty Employed at PSU Prior to September 16, 2014 (Appendix IV, pp )
Committee Members Mike Bartlett (BIO) Rachel Cunliff (CR) Christina Gildersleeve-Newmann (SPHR)* Julie Haun (IELP) Michael Taylor (SSW) Gayle Thieman (GSED) Diane Yatchmenoff (RRI) * Joint member of the New Academic Ranks Task Force Co-chairs Sandra Freels (WLL) Bob Liebman (SOC) Ex officio Margaret Everett (OGS) Carol Mack (OAA) Ren Su (MCECS)