Yulia and Stanley
Letters and their Sounds Bb Aa Gg Pp Ee Nn Ss Tt Dd Mm Cc Hh Ii Ww Oo Ff Rr Kk Ll Uu Yy Vv Jj Xx Qq Zz 1) Display the flashcards 2) The name of the letter is… the sound is… 3) Practice it in words 4) Listening exercises 5) Writing a letter: in the air… on your backs… 6) What does this say: this is ‘a’ and this is ‘t’- read it together- ‘at’ *Additional practice: *Alphabet writing worksheetsAlphabet writing worksheets
Aa Ee Oo Uu Ii
Practice games/sounds-fun games/sounds-fun (every time one exercise)
+ spelling exercise
Decoding Pat and the Elephant Pat met the elephant. The elephant met Pat. Pat sat. The elephant sat. The elephant sat on the mat. The elephant sat and sat. Pat sat and sat. Pat said, “Elephant, pat the pet.” The pet said, “No, thank you, Elephant.”
Sight Words Use Sight Words Flashcards
Quick Tasks Task 1- repeat: I once saw a cat, sitting next to a dog. I once saw a bat, sitting next to a frog. Six snakes sell sodas and snacks. The leaf, the bean, the peach- all were within reach.
Task 2 Which word doesn’t rhyme? cat, sat, pig Which two words begin with the same sound? man, sat, sick Which two words end with the same sound? take, late, feet Which two words have the same middle sound? top, cat, pan Which two words have the same middle sounds? kitten, missing, lesson
Task 3 Listen to the word parts. Say the word as a whole: ta…ble. What’s the word? p…an s…a…t
Task 4 Listen to the word: table. Say it syllable by syllable. Listen to the word: pan. Say the first sound in the word. P…an Listen to this word: sat. Say the word sound by sound ( s/a/t). How many sounds do you hear? *More words to practice.
Task 5 a.Say baker without ‘ba’. b.Say sun without the ‘s’. c.Say hit without the ‘t’. d.Say step without the ‘s’. e.Say best without the ‘t’. f.Say frog without the ‘r’. g.Replace the last sound in mat with ‘p’. h.Replace the last sound in mat with ‘s’. i.Replace the middle sound in map with ‘o’.
Reading Comprehension *Great texts- may be found on the net The Man Has a Can The Thin Pin Can Spin The Pot is Hot Fun in the Sun Ten Hens in a Pen
Sources ‘Able reading kit’ materials - (Ministry of Education, Israel) Google pictures ‘Go Phonics’ program You tube clips ‘Click 1’ materials: Jacqui Slasky and Judi Alexander Digital sources: