Salvation with Jesus Christ
Things We Receive at Salvation–The Son 1.Washed us from our sins in His own blood (1 John 1:7; Rev. 1:5). 2.Placed “in union” with Christ; Paul uses the term “in Christ” (Gal. 3:28, 1 John 5:20). 3.Sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ (Hebrews 10:10; 13:12). 4.Are given boldness to enter into the holiest (Holy of Holies) by the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:19). 5.Become joint-heirs with Christ and share His Sonship (Rom. 8:17)
6.Jesus is the author (“lead-taker”) and finisher (“perfector”) of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) 7.The spirit of the Son is sent into our hearts (Gal. 4:6) 8.Made acceptable to God as a holy priesthood by Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:5). 9.Saved through Jesus Christ before the world began (2 Tim. 1:9). 10.Brings us life and immortality (2 Tim. 1:10) Things We Receive at Salvation–The Son
11.Loved us and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace (2 Thess. 2:16) 12.Abundant grace with faith and love given by Christ (1 Tim. 1:14) 13.Serves as our mediator between us and God (1 Tim. 2:5) 14.Peace of God which surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). 15.Even though afar off were made near by the blood of Jesus (Eph. 2:13). Things We Receive at Salvation–The Father
16.Share the death and resurrection of Christ (2 Cor. 4:10-11) 17.Reconciles us to God (2 Cor. 5:18). 18.Will be our defense attorney before God and confirm us as God’s own (1 Cor. 1:8). 19.Washed, sanctified and justified in the name of Jesus (1 Cor. 6:11). 20.Have received atonement for sin from Jesus (Rom. 5:11). Things We Receive at Salvation–The Son
21.Baptized into Jesus Christ and his death (Rom. 6:3). 22.Made alive to God through Jesus Christ (Rom 6:11) 23.No condemnation in Christ (Rom. 8:1) 24.Made free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2) 25.Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8:39) Things We Receive at Salvation–The Son
26.Gives us our ministry, with the example of Paul (Acts 20:24). 27.Everlasting life without spiritual death (John 3:16; Rom. 6:23). Things We Receive at Salvation–The Son
If you have not committed your life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, now is the time to pray and ask Him into your life.