Church History the Church Fathers the Word & Table through two millennium
Church History the Church Fathers the Word & Table through two millennium
A Timeline of Church History Medieval Church AncientChurch ReformationChurch 2000 ModernChurch ca. 33
Ancient Church Timeline TheologiansApologistsChurchFathersApostles
Developments “The Way” is established apart from Judaism. Jesus Christ is THE issue. The Apostolic Faith is “Codified.” The Apostolic Faith is “Codified.” Church Traditions Develop –good & bad–Setting things into Motion for Centuries. Church Traditions Develop –good & bad–Setting things into Motion for Centuries. Doctrinal Orthodoxy is Established through a series of Ecumenical Councils. Doctrinal Orthodoxy is Established through a series of Ecumenical Councils. The New Testament is Gathered & Closed. The New Testament is Gathered & Closed. Politics play a Major Role in Church Life, the Foundation for “Christendom.” Politics play a Major Role in Church Life, the Foundation for “Christendom.”
Church’s Cultural Beginnings Politically – Roman Politically – Roman Culturally – Greek Culturally – Greek Religiously - Jewish Religiously - Jewish Surrounding the Early Church
Who Were They? EastPolycarpIgnatiusPapiasBarnabas II Clement Diognetus Ancient Church Developments West Clement of Rome Hermas
Ancient Church Developments What Were They Like? Sold out for Jesus ~ The Whole Church Was Like the Apostles, they wrote “Epistles,” but their works were neither weighty with grand themes –nor- reflected superior writing ability. Very Pastoral ~ they cared Deeply for One Another & the World Around them.
What Did They Write? Epistolary Literature : I & II Clement of Rome to the Corinthians, Ignatius to Antioch, Polycarp to the Philippians, The Epistle of Barnabas, Shepherd of Hermas, Epistle to Diognetus The Didache – Teaching of the Twelve Apostles The Old Testament was Authoritative, Jesus & the NT Writers Occupied a “High Place.” Ancient Church Developments
What Did They Believe? In the Absence of Threatening Doctrines there was No Systematized Teaching. Salvation Came from God through Christ to the Apostles then to the Church. They Used Trinitarian Formula, but Generated no Clear Ideas on How the Members Related. Very Anti-Docetic! Beginnings of Christology. Ancient Church Developments
What Challenges Did They Face? Charges of “Atheism” Accusations of Immorality! Sporadic & Intense Persecution Ancient Church Developments
Developments What Can We Learn From Them? Everyday Faithfulness has a Huge Impact! Social Concern is Always Attractive. Fervor & Passion Seem to Trump Brilliance. You Do Not Need Positions of Power to Change the World. Dependence upon the L ORD in Prayer.
Church History the Church Fathers the Word & Table through two millennium