London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 1 WELCOME CC3005NI Advanced Database Systems Module Organiser:Dr F F Cai
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 2 WELCOME Please note that the module code has changed in September 2010 from DB3011NI to CC3005NI The code changes for all Year 3 modules take place at the same time for London-based modules.
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 3 Pre-requisite: DB2008C/N introduction to Database Systems What we have learned: Conceptual design:ER modeling Logical design:relational model, normalisation Physical design:create/access database using SQL (DDL/DML) Overview
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 4 Overview What we will learn: DB2008 CC3005 implementation design/build maintenance database DBMS performance etc e.g. security recovery software that handles concurrency all access to the database Software to learn/use: Oracle 10g Oracle Designer, and SQL plus
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 5 Module Aims The module aims to build upon the student's general understanding of database systems acquired in the prerequisite module. The module enables students to gain in-depth understanding of various issues pertinent to the development and management of a modern database system. The module also introduces current database research topics thereby raising students’ clear awareness and understanding of the latest development and future trend in the database subject area. A substantial practical element is integrated into the module to enable students to design relatively complex database systems using CASE tools (using Oracle designer as an example toolset).
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 6 Topics to be Covered 1Module introduction; Database architecture 2Query optimisation 3Database recovery (1); 4Database recovery (2) 5Database concurrency (1) 6Database concurrency (2) 7Database security 8 Distributed databases 9 Data mining 10 Relational integrity, relational algebra vs SQL 11 Consolidation The weekly sequence of topics are subject to change.
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 7 Assessment To enable the students to demonstrate their achievement on the stated learning outcomes. Specifically: –the students' knowledge and understanding of the theoretical aspects of the database management systems together with an enhanced awareness of the current development in the subject area are assessed by an unseen examination. –the students’ practical proficiency and problem-solving skills on the design of database systems are assessed by an individual coursework. Coursework (design and implementation):40% Examination (2 hour unseen exam):60% To achieve an overall pass of the module, students are required to gain an aggregated pass of the examination and coursework.
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 8 Main References Connolly, T. & Begg, C. Database Systems – A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (5th ed.), Addison Wesley, Elmasri, R. & Navathe, S. Fundamentals of Database Systems (5th ed.) Addison Wesley, Date, C. J. An Introduction to Database Systems (8th ed.), Addison Wesley, Ramakrishnan, R. & Gehrke, J. Database Management Systems (3rd ed.), McGraw-Hill, 2003.
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 9 Arrangement Lecture weekly Workshop weekly, except for the first and final weeks Coursework Submission date to be confirmed
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 10 Points to Note each week's lecture dealing with different topics, so attendance is important. workshop to learn/use Oracle, gaining a potentially useful skill/knowledge. subjects/topics are wide-ranging, so additional wide reading and independent learning is important.
London Metropolitan University, DB3011C/N Intro/P 11 CC3005NI Enjoy the Module and Learn Something New