Welcome to AED! Be sure to grab some pizza at the front! Like our Facebook page to stay up to date on events! CofC AED Thank you to Dr. Rhinehart at the USC School of Medicine! Stay tuned for announcements from: Karen Eippert – Our wonderful advisor and director of Pre-Health Advising Kelsey Fervier – Campus Rep for Teach for America Eddie Lopez – President of Pre-Dental Club
Important Information AED AED Website: blogs.cofc.edu/aed/ AED Facebook Page: CofC AED
Teach For America For more information contact: Kelsey Fervier
Pre-Dental Student Association Dr. Steven Filler of UAB College of Dentistry will join us tomorrow evening at 6PM in Maybank __ Pre-Dental Student Association has bi-weekly meetings which are open to anyone who has any interest in dentistry as a career. For more information contact: Eddie Lopez
Membership Requirements Full Member: Complete 45 hours of course work (at CofC, non-transfer or AP) 3.2 Cumulative GPA 3.2 Sciences GPA One time fee: $115 ($75 National, $40 Local) Associate Member: No minimum credit hour or GPA requirement $40 local chapter fee Only $75 once you meet the requirements for Full Membership 100 points PER SEMESTER
POINT SYSTEM Each member, full or associate, is required to earn a minimum of 100 points per semester in order to be considered an active member of AED Attendance at monthly meetings (3 per semester) = 20 points/meeting Participation in service, social, and pre-health events = 10 points/event What does 100 points look like? There are multiple ways to reach the minimum point requirement, but as an example… Monthly meeting attendance (3) = total of 60 points Service and social events (4) = total of 40 points 100 points
POINT SYSTEM **Look what is new! Pre-health events now qualify for points through AED. Qualifying events must be hosted by: Pre-Professional Health Advising office (Karen Eippert) at the College of Charleston Pre-Health Peer Mentors - group advising sessions are accepted Any events (conferences, etc.) advertised in the “other events” section at AED meetings In order to receive points fill out the Pre-Health Event Attendance Form which will be posted on the blog and turn it in at the next AED meeting or during AED office hours. The form will require a signature from the presenter at the event
POINT SYSTEM How does this help me? No missed meeting excuses are required. If you miss a monthly meeting at some point during the semester, no need to request an excuse. You make up the missed 20 points by attending an additional 2 service, social, or pre-health events during the semester. Exceptions? If you lead SI sessions on Mondays at 7PM or you have a scheduled class at 7PM on Mondays, the account to be excused from meetings for the Do I have to do anything differently in order to remain an active member? Nope! We are implementing the point system in order to make it easier for members to reach requirements each semester. Attendance at all 3 monthly meetings and participation in 2 service and 2 social events earns you 100 points. Sign in will still be required for all events.
Executive Board Positions for Interested in serving on the AED executive board for the upcoming year? We have 9 available positions President & Vice President (applicants are usually current exec board members) Treasurer Secretary Media/PR Coordinator 2 Social Chairs 2 Service Chairs Applications will be released following the March 9 th meeting We will explain the application process in full at the March 9 th meeting Your membership status (full & associate) and involvement factor in to the application process Applications will be due prior to the April 4 th meeting, the final meeting of the semester If you are interested, make sure to be actively involved in AED events!
Spring 2015 Full Member Induction Friday, February 20 th – 6PM Alumni Hall, Randolph Hall New members getting inducted must arrive by 5:30 PM Ceremony will begin at 6 PM Dress is business casual (nice!) Reception to follow Close family and friends are invited to attend We will those who have cleared for participation in the full member induction ceremony. Any full member who applied during Fall 2014 or Spring 2015 is eligible (pending GPA and credit hour fulfillment).
Application deadline: February 6 th, 2015 That’s this Friday! If you did not bring your app to this meeting, make sure you bring it by during one of our 3 office hours times we have set up this week Remember, you cannot participate in our awesome meetings, events, and networking without becoming an associate member, at least! All forms can be found on our blog, under applications. Membership Requirements
How to turn in applications and payment to become a member? Turn in all applications after the meeting if you have your form and money Or, look for this guy! Travis Hawkins – Treasurer Office Hours: Tuesday Feb. 3 rd : 4:30 - 6:30PM – Rachel Wednesday Feb. 4 th : 7:30 – 9:30PM - Rachel Friday Feb. 6 th : 9: :40AM - Travis SSMB LOBBY Membership Requirements
Service Opportunities
Tuesday 2/10 at 7:30: Heartland Healthcare Valentine's Card Decorating Addlestone 3rd floor Glass-walled study room Friday 2/20 from 10-2pm: SAM – Sharing America’s Marrow – registering potential bone marrow donors Come help Sharing American's Marrow donor registry by registering students on campus! Shifts are two hours each and space is limited. Kristin to sign Saturday 2/21 from 9am-10pm: Dance Marathon $15 to register but you get 20 points Friday 2/27 by 5pm: Charleston Animal Society Training Supply Drive 3 items = 10 points, find list at dog-training/ dog-training/ October Service Opportunities
Social Events
Date: Tuesday Feb 10 Time: 5 pm Place: Library Starbucks Take a break from studying and join your social chairs for coffee! Coffee Hour
Date: Monday Feb 16 Time: 1 pm Place: Verde (on King) If y’all haven’t eaten at Verde yet, you need to try it—it’s delicious! Lunch at Verde
Date: Friday Feb 20 Time: 8 pm Place: 20 Duncan St It’ll be right after the induction ceremony, so everyone can walk over together! Pizza and Movie Night
T-shirts are IN! Pick them up after the meeting. If you did not pre-order, you can buy one for $20 cash or check. Fundraiser - Healthy Snack Stand in Cougar Mall Tuesday, Feb. 10th, 9 AM – 12 PM 10 points for making food & 10 points for working a 1 hour shift 10 individual wrapped items = 10 points Can drop food off at 96 Smith (Mel’s house), write name clearly on bag Other News & Events!
MUSC NIGHT at the College of Charleston THIS Wednesday, February 4 th – 5:30 PM - SSMB 129 (this room!) Ms. Wanda Taylor and Dr. Paul Underwood of the MUSC School of Medicine will be on campus to talk with students about what it really takes to get into medical school You will receive 10 points for attending this event! Remember to print out the Pre-Health Event Attendance Form from the blog and get it signed by the presenter in order to receive credit Other News & Events!
VCOM (Edward Via School of Osteopathic Medicine, Spartanburg SC) Info Session Monday, February 16 th – 6PM – SSMB 129 (this room!) Come learn about osteopathic medicine – application process, curriculum, careers, etc. Info session will be led by CofC alum and current VCOM student Jomel Jacinto You will receive 10 points for attending this event! Remember to print out the Pre-Health Event Attendance Form from the blog and get it signed by the presenter in order to receive credit Other News & Events!