The cultural discourse in Apartheid South Africa centered on: Cultural difference o Basis of Apartheid rule o Nation divided into cultural groups each with its own traditions and unique culture Cultural sameness – o Promoted in opposition to the apartheid state and the regime of cultural difference o Differences are imposed to serve the interest of Apartheid In the cultural discourse in Post Apartheid South Africa cultural connectedness is emerging as new cultural strategy Cultural connectedness: Accepts difference and sameness as part of ordinary people’s experience of the “new South Africa” Assume that multicultural South Africa is still racially and culturally divided Aims to make South Africa a better place to live in by: o Bringing about a greater sharing of ideas o Broadening the basis of association and collective identities across racial lines.
The Objective of the Cultural and Perception Module is therefore to establish: How agriculture could contribute towards a culture of connectedness, and Its role to make our country a better place to live in. To achieve this the study: Obtained the views of ordinary people from diverse farming backgrounds through FGDs and individual interviews on the following: o The importance, expectations and problems of agriculture in South Africa. o The social and political role of agriculture. o Critical contemporary issues such as land invasion, land reform and labour o The future of agriculture Aggregated the views for comparative analysis into: o The views of black farmers o The views of white farmers Analyzed these views in terms of : o The ideas that unite and divide farmers o Agriculture’s role towards cultural connectedness
The Results of the study indicated that: White and black farmers are divided and that a collective identify as farmers is still a long way off because: o In black farmers’ perceptions the unequal distribution of agricultural resources and white farmers’ attitudes towards blacks are dividing black and white farmers o In white farmers perceptions ‘political slogans, unrealistic expectations and farm attacks are keeping white and black farmers apart Agriculture nevertheless has the potential to contribute to greater connectedness because: o There is a growing consensus among black and white farmers on the need for successful land redistribution o There is a growing realization among black farmers that support from the white commercial farming sector is indispensable for sustainable land reform
Closer association and connectedness could be build on: o The common believe among white and black farmers on the importance of agriculture. o Their common conviction that the state and farmers need to address problems together o Their shared view that the state has failed farmers thus far o The common problems such as declining profit margins and rampant crime white and black farmers face. Black and white farmers’ shared views on land reform would be the most important factor towards connectedness because: o The demand for land by black farmers coincides with white farmers’ support for land reform o Black farmers’ recognition for support from white farmers coincides with white farmers’ belief that they should share their experience, knowledge and skills. Connectedness within agriculture will not follow naturally and would have to overcome critical challenges. Chief among these are: o The slow tempo of land reform and the uncertainty surrounding land reform o Contrasting perceptions on title to land between black farmers (blacks are entitled to land) and white farmers (title to land through the market).
Frustration is mounting among both black and white farmers and: Comparisons with land reform in Zimbabwe are inevitable and some black farmers see land invasions as the solution to slow land reform Negative attitudes are growing among white farmers largely because of the array of new legislation However: Neither the negative attitudes of whites or threats of farm invasions are conducive to connectedness Connectedness through agriculture critically depend on: o How Government manages the tempo of land reform and title to land o The enthusiasm with which farmers become engaged in land reform