Immunity & Disease Ch 38 Immunity = protection against an invading foreign substance
Disease/ Health Disease:= “ dis-ease” Imbalance Chronic = long term Acute = short term Caused by pathogens environment, genetics, poor nutrition Health: Homeostasis Proper exercise Nutrition Stress relief Strong Immune System = Natural Defense
Pathogen/ Host Pathogen: “pathos”=suffering Disease causing agent Bacteria Virus Protist parasite Fungus, Mold Host = “hostess” of the Pathogen party!
Innate versus Acquired Immunity Innate=Early defenses: WBC= Phagocytes & Macrophages Skin,Tears, Saliva,Mucus, Sweat Histamines= swelling Acquired=Build up Resistance: Immune response Lymph system Antibody /Cellular immunity= type of cells involved Passive/Active= type of exposure
The Skin:Innate Immunity
Acquired Immunity Immune System Specific Active=Natural exposure elicits immune response or vaccination Passive= from mother or injection of antibodies
Cells of the Immune Response Type of cellInnate/AcquiredFunction Basophil Eosinophil Neutrophil Innate=early defenses WBC in the blood Attack antigens As phagocytes= (surround & destroy) MacrophageInnate WBC in tissues Attack antigens As phagocytes T-cells Helper Killer Memory Acquired Cellular immunity Antibody immunity Communicate Destroy Remember B-Memory Plasma Acquired Antibody immunity Remember Make antibodies AntibodiesAntibody immunityBind to antigens
Macrophage (WBC) engulfs a bacterium in the immune system:
Lymph system: fluids & Macrophage WBC with lymph nodes
Antibody/Antigen Antigen: Invading foreign substance Pathogen or Toxic chemical Elicits the immune response Antibody: “anti”=against Body’s reaction to an antigen invasion Blood protein Made in the immune response by plasma B cells
Green antibody battles a red antigen!
Antigen-antibody complex: Unique chemical fit Once infected the anti body “memory” is stored= Immunity or protection when invaded again
Hybrid cell producing antibodies:
Virulence/ Toxin Virulence: “strength” of a pathogen to over come the immune defenses Amount & entry Length of exposure Individual’s health Toxin: “toxic” Harmful substance Living or dead Cause disease
STDEubacteriumVirus SyphilisXX ChlamydeousXX GonorrheaXx HerpesXX HIVXx Aids (death)noBy common diseases When the immune system fails Coldx Flux Strep throatx
AIDS = break down of the immune system & death due to common diseases versus death by AIDS virus
Strep bacteria of Rheumatic Fever
Germ Theory Microorganisms can cause disease Microorganism = tiny unseen organism Louis Pasteur in mid 1800’s
Infection: A growth of a disease causing organism: In the host Depends upon the : Person’s health Amount of infection Environmental conditions
Disinfectant: Chemicals that kill disease causing microorganisms Use to sterilize wounds & tools Discovered by Lister “Listerine” mouthwash
Medicinal Leeches & Blood letting:
Skull boring to drive out evil spirits of an ill person!
Penicillin mold anti-bactericide:
Koch’s Postulates: Rules demonstrating microorganisms cause disease: Isolate germ Grow it in culture Inject it Look for the disease
Infectious disease: Disease transmitted from one individual to another Spread by Water Air Direct contact Tuberculosis Lung Disease
Carrier: Carry the disease But show NO symptoms Infectious & spread the disease
Staphylococcus Bacteria Causes sore throat Spread by carriers Also pimples Cleanliness is important Coccus = Round shaped bacteria
Toxin: Poisons produced by an organism Causes harm to other organisms Example: Tetanus bacteria Poison Brazilian darts
Other microorganisms & disease: Viruses HIV virus Flu virus Polio virus Protozoans Amebic dysentery Malaria Fungi Athlete’s foot Ringworm Yeast infections
Yeast Infections:
Cynobacteria & Heterotroph Salmonella Eats others Makes its own food!