Project Aims and Overview Three sections of book: Discuss past attempts to universal health care by the U.S. Analyze health care systems in five different nations Focus on six influential factors Interpret current U.S. efforts
Past Efforts in the US: Harry Truman Roosevelt preceded Truman Announced support for universal health care (before his death) President during the New Deal Economic problems took priority Proposed national insurance program Rejected by the American Medical Association Considered a “socialist” idea
Past Efforts in the US: Lyndon Johnson 1964 election led to democratic majorities in House and Senate Worked with Wilbur Mills to create Medicare Medicare part A Medicare part B Medicaid Passed in 1965
Past Efforts in the US: Richard Nixon 1974: proposed employer-based insurance system Not opposed by AMA or private insurance Labor unions opposed plan Nixon resigned before implementation
Past Efforts in the US: by Bill Clinton Less of a priority than economy during first year Sought to cover citizens by private HMO’s through employers Supported by labor unions and opposed by single-payer movement Able to implement State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
Around the World… Countries Analyzed Argentina France Italy Japan Singapore Factors Demographics Economics History Infrastructure National Character Politics
France Demographics: 64 million inhabitants Life expectancy Male: 78 years Female: 84 years National Character: Idea of solidarity and cooperation Politics: President had most authority during push for universal healthcare
France con’t History: Major movement after WWII L’Ordinance passed to create stronger health care system Economics: 2009: Spend 11% of GDP on health care Physicians paid 1/3 of U.S. counterparts Infrastructure: Public health system
Current Efforts in the U.S. Major Players: President Barack Obama Senator (D, MT) Max Baucus House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Significant Debates: Government Regulation Expand Existing Health Programs Public Option Plan
Government Regulation Support More funding for providers and services Coverage for everyone More preventive services healthier U.S. lower mortality rates Opposition Higher taxes Over usage of health services Ultimately lead to greater debt in health system
Expand Existing Health Programs Support Increase Medicaid eligibility Given choices about insurance plans Intergovernmental financial programs Opposition Require Medicare to pay advance directives Rationing of health care Increase inflation that affects middle class
Public Option Plan Support Cost control Increases competition between public and private market Leads to greater innovation Opposition Leads to single- payer, government control Dominant form of insurance Outcries from citizens
Special Thanks Skip Rosoff, J.D. Atena Asiaii Joanne Levy and the staff of LDI
Acknowledgements Gerard de Pouvourville Jean de Kervasdoue
References residents_who_brought_us_the_closest_to_u niversal_health_care_part_1 residents_who_brought_us_the_closest_to_u niversal_health_care_part_1 ealth.care.explainer/index.html ealth.care.explainer/index.html /government_regulated_healthcare_pg 2.html?cat= /government_regulated_healthcare_pg 2.html?cat=5
The End