1 Qualities of a Leader Paul Keogan Apr
2 Why is Leadership Important In a services organization it is the ONLY long term strategic advantage People follow people with leadership traits -- People don’t follow based on organizational level
3 Can Leadership be Learned? YES Organizational & Personally BUT You need certain traits – For some these traits come naturally – For most of us we need to work on them throughout our lives
4 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader Common Qualities of Leaders throughout History Leadership Theorist vs. someone who people passionately follow What Attracts people to leaders? Leadership takes time
5 Character Character Inspires Confidence – It is determined by Actions not Words – Talent is a gift, Character is a Choice – People who have success without character are often arrogant and destructive Always look for ways to improve your own character. – Concentrate and envision your next decisions – Look for patterns in your own behavior
6 Charisma Is the Ability to draw people toward you – What are the characteristics Enjoying Life and People, being Passionate Think highly of others, see the good in people Share yourself – Roadblocks PrideInsecurity MoodinessUnrealistic Cynicism – Play the first impression game
7 Commitment People follow people committed to a cause Starts in the Heart and is followed by Action What are you committed to? – What are your personal goals – What will you do to achieve them – Do you quit if the situation isn’t perfect – always searching for that perfect place – What happens to you when the going gets rough, when you face new challenges
8 Communication Make it simple, make it short. Be Clear. Be Consistent Understand your audience Know when to not communicate When you walk away from a conversation is it your goal to 1. make the other person think you’re the smartest person in the world OR 2. Make them think they are the smartest person in the world. – Go for “2” its worth more in the long run and you’ll achieve “1” more often
9 Courage Builds on Character and Commitment Its not the absence of fear, but doing what is right in the face of fear Its not smoothing things over – not giving false hope and praise Courageous acts often bring unexpected positive results
10 Focus Focus on what your good at. – 75% on your strengths – 20% on new things – 5% on your weaknesses Staff your weaknesses, not your strengths
11 Initiative Start, put yourself in the game Take risks Don’t wait for opportunity Make lots of mistakes Always take the next step
12 Listening Encourage people to tell you what you need to know NOT what you want to hear Be respectiveful Seek people to listen to – Peers – Competitors – Mentors – Customers Leaders learn more from listening Make Time for it
13 Responsibility & Ownership Never embrace the Victim Mentality Produce results regardless of the situation You always need to be more committed to your tasks than anyone else – You should inspire that quality in your followers
14 Self- Discipline Develop and Follow Priorities Challenge Excuses Remove rewards until the job is complete Stay Focused on Results
15 Servanthood Put others first Posses the confidence to serve: – your followers – People who don’t respect you – People you don’t respect – Position should not matter Serve even if only looking for something in return – That attitude will always change
16 Teachability Difficulties often rooted in early achievement – You think your smart and can’t learn from others Trade in your pride – You can learn from everyone
17 Positive Attitude Your attitude is your choice Your attitude determines your actions Condition your mind to win