Penny Auction 21 st Amendment
Throughout the country people pulled together to help one another Farmers would have penny auctions In the first 2 months of 1933, 70 foreclosure sales on farms were blocked by penny auction Young people began to ride the rail illegally to find a better life Often called hobos
Few Americans called for radical political change Most citizens trusted democracy The communist party gain a little popularity Voting figures and party membership do not reflect the notable interest in radical movements in the 1930’s Jokes and cartoons helped people through their troubles
Prohibition is repealed Control of alcohol returned to the states Symbol of hope was the new Empire State Building 2,500-4,500 worked on it A era was ending Al Capone was brought down Babe Ruth retired in 1935
What were some things that Americans did to help one another throughout the depression? What were some signs of change? What signified the end of an era?