How to Identify Peer-Reviewed, Scholarly & Academic Articles Suzanne van den Hoogen, MLIS October, 2014
What is a peer-reviewed article? A peer-reviewed article is published in a peer-reviewed journal only after it has been subjected to multiple critiques by scholars in that field. Peer-reviewed journals follow this procedure to make sure that published articles reflect solid scholarship and advance the state of knowledge in a discipline. These articles present the best and most authoritative information that disciplines have to offer. Also, through the careful use of citations, a peer-reviewed article allows anyone who reads it to examine the bases of the claims made in the article. Peer-reviewed articles lead to many articles in a chain of information. Robert E. Kennedy Library. (n.d.). What is a peer reviewed article? Retrieved October 8, 2014 from
How can I tell if an article is scholarly or peer-reviewed? If your article displays several or all of the following characteristics, it is likely to be peer-reviewed: Abstract – a summary or short description List of keywords Some description of research methodology Bibliographies -- cited works -- references Footnotes Original research Written by expert(s) in the field Few glossy pictures, if any No advertisements Reviewed by panel of peers Specialized vocabulary, i.e., language that is unique to the field Article appears in a journal published by a learned society, for example, American Psychological Association (APA)
Scholarly vs Popular Sources Journals Written by experts Evaluated by experts: “Peer-Reviewed” Authoritative Source Usually include: Credentials of the Author Abstract Bibliography Specialized vocabulary Reference List Popular Magazines Written by journalists, students, popular authors, or no author listed Flashy covers Advertisements Brief articles Trade Journals: Business, Finance, Industry (Written by experts, but may not be peer reviewed) Newspapers Academic, Peer-reviewed, Scholarly vs. Popular
Peer-Review in 3 minutes What is Peer-Review? Peer-Review in 3 minutes NCSU Library. (n.d.). Peer review in three minutes: How do articles get peer reviewed? What role does peer review play in scholarly research and publication? Retrieved on October 8, 2014 from
Are scholarly and peer-reviewed articles the same thing? Peer-reviewed, academic and scholarly journals are related but NOT identical. Not all scholarly journals go through the peer-review process. However, one can assume that a peer-reviewed journal is scholarly. Robert E. Kennedy Library. (n.d.). What is a peer reviewed article? Retrieved October 8, 2014 from
How to Recognize a Scholarly Article This short video from Vanderbilt University Library illustrates how to recognize scholarly articles. Retrieved from:
If you are not sure if an article is peer-reviewed, Can the Library’s Catalogue & Databases help me Identify Peer-Reviewed Articles? The short answer to this question is YES. The Library’s catalogue and some databases allow you to select for “peer-reviewed” results only. This can be very helpful, but beware: not all these results will be ARTICLES or peer-reviewed content. Some items may be book reviews or editorials; these are not subjected to the same level of critique. If you are not sure if an article is peer-reviewed, Ask a Librarian for help.
Selecting Peer Reviewed articles from Library Databases ERIC & ProQuest Databases
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