Why Do We Embrace … Diversity ? PowerPoint created and narration done by Margo Dupre, H2H Chair So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him” (Act 10:34–35).
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave or free, there is no male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise (Galatians 3:28). The Lutheran Study Bible: Galatians 3:28 Ethnic, social, and sexual identities do not determine one’s standing before God. All who are baptized into Christ are one in His Body, even while distinctions present in creation remain.
Diversity in the LWML Operates in the LWML through the mission of the Heart to Heart program. Makes our LWML organization strong by capitalizing on the strengths of every woman. Values different experiences, backgrounds, and cultures that can view challenges from a variety of lenses. Understands and respects the gifts that God has given to each woman to advance His plan.
Why is diversity a challenge? Diversity requires us to move out of our comfort zone. Some of us may feel threatened or fearful because we are accustomed to a certain way of doing things.
Why does it feel so uncomfortable to embrace diversity? In our church, there is a dominant culture and we have grown accustomed to perceiving worship, song, and fellowship in that way. Our biases and prejudices are deeply rooted within us and we have to make a deliberate effort to change them by allowing ourselves to create opportunities to adjust them. We are born into a family and community that shapes our perceptions about who we are and about those who are not like us.
Lacking to embrace diversity in the LWML Restricts the LWML from building teams of women who want to work in the church. Creates an environment in which diverse groups feel unwanted and uncared for by people of God. Limits the ability for the LWML to use all of the gifts of service that God has made available to us as His people. Restricts the LWML as an organization to access strengths of all God’s people.
How to embrace our churches diversity? PassionPracticePersistence Passion – Your passion has to be strong and focused only on what is right in the eyes of God in doing His will as we work among women in our church. Practice – You take actions to effectively identify every woman who loves God and desires to use her gifts to serve in the LWML. You will participate in strategies for encouraging, engaging, and uplifting multi-cultural women in your district. Persistence – Time and energy and the willingness to “stick with it” despite slow results are needed. The women out there in your district are waiting to be found and the LWML needs you to do it.
How does embracing diversity impact the LWML? The body of Christ grows and is strengthened when sisters of every age, class, culture, and ethnic group are sought out to participate in the mission of the LWML.