The symbols of St. Valentine’s Day
The hands of a lady has been a favorite decoration for Valentine's Day for many years and is suppose to depict "femininity".
arrow I N H N F R F I D сandy J V A R R O W L U cupid L C U P I D I C I friend O R O S E S P A H heart V A L E N T I N E lace E X A G D F N D A love W D C F K E K Y R pink F R E D S W E E T red I Y Z Q T L C M L roses sweet valentine
REMEMBER!!! Complimenting people can get you very far in life, from making your friends feel good to showing off your good side.
You're a special friend of mine, Friend of mine, friend of mine, You're a special friend of mine, Be my Valentine To each and every friend of mine I'll send a lovely valentine. Mom, Dad, Sis, and Brother, too. Will receive a heart that says, "I love you." Roses are red, Violets are blue Honey’s sweet And so are you!
Roses are red, Violets are blue, ……………….. ……………..