Action Planning Guidance Illinois Public Health Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

Action Planning Guidance Illinois Public Health Institute

Priorities were selected based on having a picture of what is… Scope of the problem Impact of the problem Most vulnerable populations Why it is important to address to achieve vision What else is going on to address this issue? Understand and define the current status 2 Refer to the reports with data related to Priority Issue. In some cases, more work on understanding the problem may be necessary. Illinois Public Health Institute

Action planning to address priorities begins with the end in mind… 3 Current Status of the Priority Issue Vision for the Future with Improvements Related to the Priority Issue What changes need to occur to achieve Vision? Illinois Public Heath Institute

Desired Changes = Goals/Objectives/Outcomes What awareness must be created and with whom? What knowledge or skill must be increased and by whom? What behaviors must change? How and by whom? How must the environment change? What policies must be changed and/or adopted? What types of system changes are needed? How does health status need to change? 4 Illinois Public Health Institute

Long-Term 5 years or greaterChanges in health status, systems Intermediate Usually 3-5 years Changes in skill, behavior, policy and some system changes Changes in risk factors Short - Term Usually 1-2 years Changes in awareness, knowledge, and attitudes Changes in direct and indirect contributing factors 5 Levels of Goals/Objectives/Outcomes Illinois Public Health Institute

Begin with the end in mind… Long –TermIntermediateShort-Term IntermediateShort-Term 6 Illinois Public Health Institute

SMART Objectives 7 Specific – specify what is to be achieved, by how much, and by when Measurable – make sure that the objective can be measured (i.e., data is or will be available to measure progress) Achievable - set objectives that are feasible for the agency Relevant - align objectives with the mission and vision of the agency Time-oriented - establish a timeframe for achieving the objective Measure of change, in what, by whom, by when Degree of Change + Type of Change + Area of Change + Target Population + Time Frame Illinois Public Health Institute

Long-Term or Outcome Objectives 5 years or greater Look to HP 2020 Objectives for guidance on establishing measures Describes the type and degree of change needed to get closer to the vision Only occur after short-term and intermediate objectives are achieved. 8 Illinois Public Health Institute

Intermediate of Impact Objectives Usually 3-5 years Change in a direct determinant or reduction in a risk factor. – Risk factors are direct causes and determinants which based on scientific evidence or theory, are though to influence directly the level of a specific strategic issue/health problem. Only occur after related short-term objectives are achieved. 9 Illinois Public Health Institute

Short-Term Objectives Usually 1-2 years The result of one or more programs or interventions. Changes in contributing factors – Direct contributing factors – a scientifically established factor that directly affects the level of a risk factor – Indirect contributing factors – community-specific factor that directly affects the level of the direct contributing factor 10 Illinois Public Health Institute

What can be done to create the necessary changes? What are the existing resources, assets and strengths for this work? Who is already engaged in this work? What are they doing to address this issue? Can we partner? Who else needs to be engaged in this work? What are the barriers? How can the barriers be overcome? What has worked elsewhere (other communities, states etc.)? What are the evidence-based approaches to create the change defined? 11 Illinois Public Health Institute

Only AFTER we are clear about the changes needed… Identify programs, strategies and interventions to create the desired changes (or achieve objectives). Evidence-based strategies – Strategies to address contributing factors and risk factors to achieve impact and ultimately outcome objectives. At least one proven intervention strategy should be defined for each impact objective. 12 Illinois Public Health Institute

Relationship, Strategy, Alignment… 13 Long –TermIntermediate Short-Term Evidence-based Interventions Short-Term Evidence-based Interventions Intermediate Short-Term Evidence-based Interventions Illinois Public Health Institute

We seek alignment of activities and action plans… 14 Alignment makes us stronger. Align with other initiatives going on with the public health department, other organizations in the community and at the state and national level. Illinois Public Health Institute

See Worksheet Illinois Public Health Institute

Exploring Issues Worksheet Step 1: Turn the strategic issue into a question. Step 2: Identify existing efforts to address this issue – What else is going on in the community to address this issue? Who else needs to be at the table as we plan and move forward? Step 3: Exploring Issues, Factors and Root Causes – What is contributing to this issue in our communities or making it a bigger issue? Be sure to look at the data. – Health Problem Analysis worksheet – 5 Why’s See Worksheet Illinois Public Health Institute

Digging Deeper into Priority Issues What are the underlying causes and factors? Risk factors are direct causes and determinants which based on scientific evidence or theory, are though to influence directly the level of a specific strategic issue/health problem. Direct contributing factors – a scientifically established factor that directly affects the level of a risk factor Indirect contributing factors – community-specific factor that directly affects the level of the direct contributing factor See Worksheet Illinois Public Health Institute

See Worksheet Illinois Public Health Institute