Operational Programme 6: Promotion of Renewable Energy by Removing Barriers and Reducing Implementation Costs Energy and Environment Practice Community of Practice Meeting September 2005 Bratislava, Slovakia
Overall Objective of the OP 6 To expand the markets for renewable energy by removing barriers to the large-scale application, implementation, and dissemination of renewable energy technologies
Strategic Objective: On-Grid Renewable Energy ObjectiveObjective: To promote the supply and demand for grid electricity from renewable sources. OutcomeOutcome: Participating program countries will have growing markets for renewable power from on-grid sources.
Strategic Objective: On-Grid Renewable Energy The major focus of GEF support:The major focus of GEF support: –Policy will be the primary focus of GEF support; –Finance is the next most important strategic area for interventions.
Strategic Objective: Renewable Energy for Rural Energy Services ObjectiveObjective: To promote the use of renewable energy for the provision of rural energy services. Outcome:Outcome: The increased use of renewable energy in rural settings.
Strategic Objective: Renewable Energy for Rural Energy Services Difference from the past projects:Difference from the past projects: –Projects will be encouraged to be technology neutral; –Lessons from past experiences should be incorporated; –Projects will be required to incorporate strategies for ensuring replicability and sustainability after project completion.
Tips for the development of the proposals on RE Wide market analysis on RE would build a good basis for the development of the good proposal; Creation of RE Revolving Funds is a good mechanism for sustainability and replication; The national markets for supply of RE technologies are important; The ownership of technologies should be defined during the development of the proposal.