10 March 20041 Setup Users. 10 March 20042 Setup Users Window Allows you to perform several user tasks –Enroll users –Enable/disable users –Set user access.


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Presentation transcript:

10 March Setup Users

10 March Setup Users Window Allows you to perform several user tasks –Enroll users –Enable/disable users –Set user access privileges –Manage user information –Remove users

10 March Open the Users Window Click the Setup Users tool bar button OR Select the Setup > Users pull-down menu option

10 March Starting Enrollment Click the button in the spreadsheet window to start the enrollment process

10 March Enrollment Wizard The enrollment wizard opens –The enrollment wizard is a series of windows that leads you through the enrollment process –Either block enrollment or read enrollment (also known as learn enrollment) * Screen appearance is determined by options selected and may be different than examples shown here.

10 March Block Enrollment Block enrollment is for enrolling a sequential set of cards by entering a number range –All cards must be in numeric order (i.e to 61599)

10 March Begin Block Enrollment Click the button to block enroll Keri cards Click the button to block enroll Wiegand cards

10 March Block Enroll Cards The block enrollment process is almost identical for Keri cards and Wiegand cards –Much of the same information is required (Wiegand cards must assign a Primary Format. This field does not appear when enrolling Keri cards.) –Block enrollment can also be used for keypads

10 March Starting and Ending Card Numbers Enter the starting card number Enter the ending card number To block enroll one card, enter the starting card number and leave the ending card number blank

10 March Facility Code Enter the facility code

10 March Assigned Card Number If desired, enter a beginning assigned card number –This is an optional, separate card number that you can define –Assigned card numbers will be assigned in sequential order to all block cards enrolled

10 March Wiegand Format Select the format of the Wiegand cards being enrolled (this field does not appear when enrolling Keri cards)

10 March Finish Enrollment All the information necessary to perform block enrollment has now been collected Click the button to complete the enrollment process

10 March Transfer Enrollment Information The total enrollment count to be performed is displayed Click the button to transfer the enrollment information to the user database

10 March Enrollment Status The enrollment status window appears –The number of cards enrolled is displayed Click the button to close the enrollment wizard

10 March Enrolled User Fields User fields in the Setup > Users window now appear for all enrolled user cards –These fields define user parameters

10 March Save Enrolled Users User enrollment information should be saved before continuing work –If the database is not saved and the Setup > User window is closed, all new information is lost and must be reentered Click the button to save the database

10 March Read Enrollment Read enrollment is for presenting cards to a reader –Cards can be in random numeric order

10 March Begin Read Enrollment Click the button to read enroll cards (if a Wiegand master controller has been detected, the button will state “Wiegand cards” instead of “Keri cards”)

10 March Read Enroll Keri Cards Click the button to start the read enroll cards process

10 March Read Enroll Wiegand Cards Select the Channel to be used for enrollment (A reader, B reader, or A and B readers alternately) Select the Format of the cards to be enrolled Click the button to start the read enroll cards process

10 March Present Cards You can only enroll cards based on the type of controller you have –A Keri controller reads Keri cards –A Wiegand controller reads Wiegand cards Present cards to the reader, one-at-a-time The reader responds to each card with a beep and a flash

10 March Stop Enrollment Card number information is displayed for each card presented Once all cards have been presented, click the button to stop the read enrollment process

10 March Finish Enrollment All the information necessary to perform block enrollment has now been collected Click the button to complete the enrollment process

10 March Transfer Enrollment Information The total enrollment count to be performed is displayed Click the button to transfer the enrollment information to the user database

10 March Enrollment Status The enrollment status window appears –The number of cards enrolled is displayed Click the button to close the enrollment wizard

10 March Enrolled User Fields User fields in the Setup > Users window now appear for all enrolled user cards –These fields define user parameters

10 March User Data Management Once users are enrolled, user data can be managed either through a spreadsheet OR A dialog box

10 March Spreadsheet Database Display Switch to the spreadsheet display by clicking the button on the tool bar The spreadsheet displays all users in a table format Use the scroll bars to navigate to a specific user or data field

10 March Dialog Box Database Display Switch to the dialog box display by clicking the button on the tool bar The dialog box displays one user at a time The buttons step from user to user

10 March User Data Fields Enable/disable users Set user access privileges Manage user information Remove users

10 March Name Fields Enter last, first, and middle names as appropriate

10 March Card Number Fields Internal Number –A card’s internal identification number Card Number –The number assigned during enrollment Facility Code –A customer or site identification code programmed into a card

10 March Rollcall/Track Click the button or the check box to enable this feature –Rollcall/track allows you to locate individual users by their last access event –Rollcall/track must have been enabled in System > Setup for this field to appear

10 March Access Group Scroll through the pull- down menu and select the access group to assign to the user –For a card to grant access it must be assigned a valid access group and be enabled (turned on)

10 March Department Group Allows you to define and assign a sorting or reference name to each user –Either click in the field and type in the department group name OR –Scroll through the pull- down menu and select an existing department group to assign to the user

10 March Enable Card and Anti-passback (APB) Click the button or the check box in the enable card field to activate a user’s card Click the button or the check box to enable anti-passback –Anti-passback must have been enabled in System > Setup for this field to appear

10 March Enroll Date and Time Lists the date and time the user/card was turned on

10 March Void a User Removes a user from the database, but leaves the card in the database for reassignment to a new user and to keep a history of the old user To void a user, select a user and click the button

10 March Void Date and Time Lists the date and time the user was voided from the system –This is displayed until the database is saved, then the information is archived Select a user and click the button to void a user

10 March Delete a User Removes a user/card from the active database –User information remains in archived history files To delete a user, select the user and click the button (a user must be voided before deleting)

10 March Activate Date and Time Lists the date and time when the user’s temporary card will be activated –This field will only appear if the temporary cards feature has been enabled –Only available for PXL- 500 units

10 March Expire Date and Time Lists the date and time when the user’s temporary card will expire –This field will only appear if the temporary cards feature has been enabled –Only available for PXL- 500 units

10 March Personal Memo Fields Allows you to define up to six memo fields Must be activated via the dialog box setup –Click a field check box –Enter the memo field title –Click the button Once active, a new Personal tab appears

10 March Enter Personal Memo Information Click in the memo field and enter the user information

10 March Save User Information Once all database entries, edits, and changes have been made, they must be saved –If the database is not saved and the Setup > User window is closed, all new information is lost and must be reentered Click the button to save the database

10 March Update System After users have been enrolled and user information has been entered, the user database must be uploaded to the network Click the button to perform the network update –The network update process is described in a separate presentation

10 March Reissuing a User Reissuing a user takes that user’s data and moves it to another row in the spreadsheet –Typically done when a user has lost or damaged a card and needs to be issued a new card immediately –The original row is voided during this process A “reissue wizard” leads you through the process

10 March Start the Reissue Wizard Click the button to start the reissue wizard

10 March Select the From Row If the row is already selected, click the button If not, click the button and select the correct row

10 March Select the To Row Click the button and select the correct row

10 March Copy Row Click the button to transfer information to the new row and void the original row

10 March Row Reissued The information has been moved to the new row The original row has been voided (not shown on this screen)

10 March Sorting User Data The user spreadsheet can be sorted in ascending order (lowest to highest) using any category Click in a column title to select that column Click the button

10 March Sorted Data Data is displayed in ascending sorted order per the selected column

10 March Block Copy Data Quickly copies data from one user to multiple users Click in the cell with the data to copy Click the button

10 March Copy Destination Select the rows to which to copy information –Click on first row and drag to the last row for consecutive rows –Ctrl-Click on selected rows if rows are not consecutive Click the button

10 March Data Copied The data is copied to the selected rows