BACKGROUND INFORMATION It is a day where friends and family pray for their lost ones. They make special breads, foods, desserts etc. for this day People build private altars for their person that died In Spanish it called Día de los Muertos pópele start preperations
WHERE IT CAME FROM Day of the dead dates back 0ver 2,500 years It was first held for the whole month November 1 st is the day to honor the children that have died And November 2 nd is the day to honor the dead
THE CELEBRATION(THE BELIEF) People will go to cemitaries to be with the departed souls and basically talk to them They will talk about the fun times they had with that person and tell stories Some families have picnics by the grave Trinkets and toys are given to the children that have died
SPECIAL FOODS Candy/sugar skulls are giving along with breads, and the favorite foods or beverages of the dead Food is left at the grave and at homes They believe that the soul eat the food spiritually They also leave blankets and pillows for the desist to rest with because of there “long journey” there
Bread of the dead Flowers for day of the dead
THE ALTAR Incense and candles are lit because it is support to attract good spirits Salt is also placed at the altar because it is believed to be a spice for the living The center piece is called the oferenda. It is usually a picture of the person that died There are also things that reflect the persons personality at the altar
COSTUMES The main costume is dressing as a skeleton There are paper Mache skulls Day of the dead masks are also make Faces can also be painted
SKELTON'S Skeletons symbolize the spirits of the dead The day is similar to Halloween and All Saints Day It is basically a combination of the two The sugar skull is popular on that day Clay skeletons are also made.
A day of the dead altar A typical costume Day of the dead is celebrated in the U.S., Canada, central America, Europe and many other places. Pile of sugar skulls