21 st May pm WHO conference room Nutrition WG
Before TC PamImmediately after (first 72hrs) Emergency phase (72hrs to 6 weeks) 3 existing (Itps) at three provincial-level hospitals (VCH, Lenekal, Santo) (but no following WHO protocol) Selected HWs from five provincial-level hospitals received UNICEF/MoH led IYCF training, including IFE (infant feeding in emergencies) WHO seconded Nutritionist to MoH Joint statement on appropriate feeding in emergencies signed by MoH DG and UNICEF Rep Immediate set-up on Nutrition WG (for emergency response) Immediate mobilisation of UNICEF NIE specialist Procured emergency nutrition supplies Strengthened existing Itps by providing essential supplies (amoxicillin, VAS, therapeutic milks, abendazole etc) Integrated acute malnutrition screening and IYCF into measles campaign. Set up nutrition surveillance for efate (tapping WHO) Trained HFs on IYCF counselling and MUAC screening in Efate
Before TC PamImmediately after (first 72hrs) Emergency phase (72hrs to 6 weeks) Shortage of nutrition supplies for Itp Outpatient treatment Programmes for Severe Acute Malnutrition without complications (SAM) Emergency Preparedness Response Plan Contingency supplies Acute malnutrition screening Lack of NiE capacity by NGO partners Lack of NGO partners in nutrition First exposure to humanitarian architecture for most in NWG Distribution of supplies Acute malnutrition screening of all children at HFs. Referral of identified SAM cases Reporting mechanisms on SAM admissions. NGO partner coverage
1.Nutrition emergency preparedness and response plan (EPRP) 2.Transition from Nutrition Working Group to Nutrition Committee (led by MoH nutrition coordinator) after HAP period. 3.Continued procurement of nutrition supplies (therapeutic milk/amoxicillin, Vitamin A, albendazole, Resomal, Rutf) 4.Continue monitoring and reporting of Itps and Otps 5.Annual refresher training for NiE (IYCF, SAM etc) 6.Strengthen Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative 7.Regular monitoring, reporting and action on milk code violations