Moving from Indistar Navigation to Indistar as a School Improvement Tool Wisconsin Title I Innovation and Implementation Conference II October 2014
Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change a sample image, select a picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in each placeholder to insert your own images. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. Sample pictures courtesy of Bill Staples. Teaming Research & Resources Continuous Improvement Process Sustainability
Leadership Team The team that manages the Indistar ® process and is ultimately responsible for making decisions for the school, for transformation and for school improvement. School Community Council A team that includes parents as the majority of its members and looks at how the school and families work together for the benefit of students. Instructional Teams Teams that include teachers in grade level groupings, grade-level clusters, or subject areas. Responsible for planning instruction for students. Time Teams need time to do their work and structure to do effective work. Indistar ® provides benchmarks of work to be completed at specific points in time during the year. The importance of working together…
By placing the requirement for determining the necessary data sources, gathering the data, analyzing the data and monitoring progress on the Leadership Team, the Leadership Team is engaged in “deep practice.” Decide data Gather data Analyze Data Needs Assessment Drives School Improvement Planning—Progress Data Drives Continuous Improvement
Regular Leadership Team Meetings Gather, analyze, and use data Research best practice Plan and monitor action steps Coaching support and feedback Continuous Improvement Cycle
Research Best Practice Wise Ways Briefs that provide a context for the indicator, research syntheses, examples, and references Indicators in Action Tutorials with narrative and video demonstration of the indicators by administrators, teachers, and parents Indicators NOW! Video index of mini-sodes extracted from the Indicators in Action™ courses
What data must be analyzed? What are our biggest needs? Based on our needs, what are our goals? What does research suggest as best practice strategies? Which indicator aligns to the strategy? What does the indicator mean? How would we know the extent to which the indicator is implemented? What are the action steps we need to take? Are we implementing the action steps with fidelity?
How do we know? What data supports our conclusion?? What should we stop doing because we know it doesn’t work? What results are we getting? How do we know? What data supports our conclusions? Are our practices becoming habits? What do we need to do to sustain our improvements? Are we making progress? Do we need to revise our plan? What are our next steps?
Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change a sample image, select a picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in each placeholder to insert your own images. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. Sample pictures courtesy of Bill Staples. … monitor ongoing actions … gather and analyze data … reinforce and evaluate practices … gather evidence Sustainability
Teams Best Practice Student Outcomes Sustainability DataImplementation Continuous Improvement
ASSESS where you are CREATE a plan for where you want to be MONITOR implementation SUSTAIN implementation
Presenters Aundrea Kerkenbush (608) Kathy Lyngaas (608)