Year 4 Native American camp out 26 th to 27 th of June
Why camp?
What happens on Friday afternoon? At the end of the school day, everyone will be welcome to help us pitch tents. Bring children’s equipment and overnight items to child’s classroom. Children to change and uniform (and swimming kits) can be taken home. We ask parents to leave by 4pm so we can start the activities with the children. We kindly ask you to bring equipment on Friday morning if you are unabl e to join us on Friday afternoon.
Activities Archery with a qualified instructor. Teepee building in the woods. Native American head-dress making Traditional Native American games. Toasting marshmallows by the campfire.
Dinner There will be 2 sittings for dinner. We will be serving pasta bolognese. There will be a vegetarian option. Included will be various sides, e.g. salad, bread, etc. We’ll have ice cream for dessert. (food allergies) As mentioned on the camping list, we ask the children to bring the following: plastic cup, plastic plate, plastic knife, fork and spoon, water bottle, bin bag We ask that children not bring sweets and snacks – all food will be provided.
Other items children will need: Tracksuit bottoms Long sleeved top (hoodie or jumper) T-shirt Warm socks Suitable outdoor shoes Coat Hat, scarf, gloves if it is cold Sleeping bag Pillow Roll mat Pyjamas Teddy (optional) Torch Toothbrush and toothpaste Small hand towel No mobile phones or electrical equipment will be allowed.
Sleeping Arrangements Firstly, thank you very much for all the tents. Boys and girls will be sleeping in different tents. We will ask each child to give the name of two friends they’ll like to share a tent with. We’ll make sure they stay with at least one of the children they listed. School facilities will be open and well lit throughout the night. Children will know where the adults are sleeping in case they need any assistance.
Saturday We wake up and have breakfast: cereal and toast in the school hall. You’ll be able to pick your child up at 10am. Come through the gates at the side of the hall. All help will be welcomed for taking the tents down. If you need to pick your child up earlier, please let us know.
First Aid Mrs Duffield, our trained first aid person, will be on site overnight. Any medication must be on a bag, clearly labelled with name and instructions and handed to the class teacher. Inhalers must be named as well. If it is sunny, children can bring sunscreen.