Factors Regulating the Size-Resolved Production and Composition of Nascent Marine Aerosols William C. Keene 1, Amanda Frossard 2, Michael S. Long 1, John R. Maben 1, Lynn M. Russell 2, David J. Kieber 3, Joanna Kinsey 3, Timothy S. Bates 4, and Patricia Quinn 4 1 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA United States 2 University of California, San Diego, CA United States 3 State University of New York, Syracuse, NY United States 4 NOAA PMEL, Seattle, WA United States
Particle Formation
Film Droplets Jet Droplets Particle Formation Diameter ( m) dV/dlogD p ( m 3 cm -3 ) dN/dlogD p (cm -3 )
Conversion Factors Number Concentration to Number Flux Flux (cm -2 s -1 ) = Conc. (cm -3 ) * Detrain Velocity (cm s -1 ) = Conc. (cm -3 ) * 2.47 cm s -1 Bubble Rate to Air Detrainment Flux Detrain Flux (L m -2 s -1 ) = Bubble Rate (L min -1 ) / Area (m 2 ) / 60 s min -1 = Bubble Rate (L min -1 ) * min s -1 m -2
Number Size Distributions in Head Space
Number Production Flux vs. Air Detrainment Flux
Number Size Distributions, UVA Generator vs. PMEL SeaSweep
Number Production Flux vs. Seawater Characteristics
Summary Bubble plume volume was inversely correlated with bubble size. Bubbles within plumes evolved towards similar size. Upon bursting, bubbles injected artificially through coarse and fine frits produced similar size-resolved number concentrations. Resulting number production fluxes were linearly correlated with air detrainment fluxes. Relative to frits, number fluxes produced by bubbles from jets were shifted towards larger size fractions. Relative size distributions produced in the UVA generator were similar to those produced with the PMEL SeaSweep. Number fluxes were inversely correlated with chl-a during some periods suggesting an important direct link between biogenic surfactants and the physics of marine aerosol production. When the air-sea interface was not cycled, the accumulation of bubble rafts attenuated aerosol production significantly.
Acknowledgements NSF Chemical Oceanography Program University of Virginia University of California, San Diego State University of New York, Syracuse Department of Energy University of Virginia UCSD- PNNL ACCI (Aerosol Chemistry and Climate Institute) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory The PMEL crew The captain and crew of the R/V Atlantis
Panels to Replace Those in the Side 3