STUDY UNIT 4 : Recruitment 1Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment
Relevant pages Chapter 8 :Recruitment See pages Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment
Objectives 6.Compile a recruitment policy for an organisation. 7.Discuss the factors that influence recruitment. 8.Decide whether internal or external recruitment sources and methods would be preferable under specific circumstances. 9.Consider and make proposals on the use of current and future trends in recruitment. 3Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment
6. Compile a recruitment policy for an organisation. Recruitment policy - Chapter 8 Page Entails attracting potential job applicants Reflects organisation’s business strategy Ultimate competitive advantage is a workforce that possesses a unique knowledge base Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment4
Recruitment policy (cont) Should include information regarding internal or external recruitment, possible employment of relatives, part-time workers, and possible employment of retired workers A workforce with a unique knowledge base should be the objective Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment5
Recruitment policy (cont) Must take into account the corporate philosophy, organisational mission, strengths, and weaknesses. See example of recruitment policy on page 224 Table 8.3 Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment6
7. Discuss the factors that influence recruitment. Page 224 (8.7.1) External factors cover: - Government or trade union restrictions - The labour market itself Internal factors cover: - Organisation’s policy - Image of organisation. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment7
8.Decide whether internal or external recruitment sources and methods would be preferable under specific circumstances. Page 224 (8.7.1) Recruitment sources and methods Various options must be considered before deciding to proceed with recruitment: - Reorganise work without replacing the leaver - Use overtime if it is a short-term problem - Mechanise the work, stagger hours, sub- contract work etc. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment8
Recruitment sources and methods (cont) Internal and external recruitment sources cover: - Internal or external recruitment sources both have advantages and disadvantages which are presented in Table 8.4. (page 225) Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment9
Internal and external recruitment Internal recruitment sources - Current employees - Referrals from current employees about former employees Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment10
Internal and external recruitment (cont) Various external recruitment methods exist: - Advertisements (must be non- discriminatory in terms of SA Constitution and EEO Act) - Employment agencies assist with recruitment of temporary workers - Campus recruiting. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment11
Internal and external recruitment (cont) E-recruitment The process of recruiting via the intranet (internally) and the Internet (externally) Various potential benefits such as vacancies which are accessible 24 hours a day etc. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment12
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9.Consider and make proposals on the use of current and future trends in recruitment. Current and future trends in recruitment Increasing economic volatility, new technology etc. necessitate better use of resources Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment14
Current and future trends in recruitment (cont) Flexible patterns of work resulted in a wider range of tasks and abilities require more multi-skilled employees Greater use of part-time and temporary employees. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment15
Contingent workers Known as temporary workers, part-time workers, and just-in-time workers More productive and less expensive to recruit and train than permanent workers Are flexible and adaptable Employed when full-time employees experience downtimes etc. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment16
Employee leasing cover Some businesses lease employees from a leasing company A leasing company is responsible for hiring, record keeping, disciplining, paying, and terminating of employees The organisation pays a management fee to the leasing company. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment17
Other recruitment trends Flexitime provides an alternative work schedule for employees Job-sharing is dividing a full-time job into two or more part-time positions Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment18
Other recruitment trends (cont) A compressed workweek is a schedule with less than five working days per week With telecommuting employee maintains office at home and carries out all normal duties, while linked to the organisation via telephone, fax, personal computer and electronic mail. Saterdag - SU 4 Recruitment19