Kingsborough Community College
Kingsborough – College Profile A unit of The City University of New York A unit of The City University of New York Brooklyn’s only community college Brooklyn’s only community college Over 19,000 students in credit programs Over 19,000 students in credit programs Approx. 20,000 students in Continuing Education Approx. 20,000 students in Continuing Education
Kingsborough – College Profile 1,000+ Faculty and Staff 1,000+ Faculty and Staff Operating budget approx. $92 million Operating budget approx. $92 million Campus atmosphere Campus atmosphere
Kingsborough – College Profile Offers both Liberal Arts & Sciences Liberal Arts & Sciencesand Career oriented Career orientedprograms
Kingsborough – Student Profile The Economics 42% of students from families with < $20,000 household annual income
KCC – Student Profile Approximately 58% full-time / 42% part-time Approximately 58% full-time / 42% part-time 70% of students receive financial aid 70% of students receive financial aid
Student Profile 36% White 34% Black 16% Hispanic 13% Asian 142 Countries 73 Languages 56% Female
Challenges for the Institution Low retention rate and persistence Low retention rate and persistence Low graduation rates Low graduation rates Underprepared students Underprepared students Students face financial and personal roadblocks Students face financial and personal roadblocks
Roadblocks to Success -- Under-preparation Freshman Basic Skills Test Performance 31.3% Failed Reading 31.3% Failed Reading 45.9% Failed Writing 45.9% Failed Writing 60.4% Failed Mathematics 60.4% Failed Mathematics Only 26.1% of entering freshmen passed all 3
Student Success Initiatives Learning Communities Learning Communities Single Stop Single Stop Advisement Advisement Culture of Evidence Culture of Evidence Integrated Teams Integrated Teams
Learning Communities
The Kingsborough Model for Learning Communities Groups of 25 students take first semester courses together 3 linked – themed – courses: English (usually developmental)English (usually developmental) Student development (taught by case manager)Student development (taught by case manager) One standard college course, such as history, psychology, sociology, healthOne standard college course, such as history, psychology, sociology, health
Learning Communities – The 1-Year Impact Improved academic performance Improved academic performance More likely to take critical developmental courses and more likely to pass those courses More likely to take critical developmental courses and more likely to pass those courses Progress more rapidly through sequence of developmental English courses Progress more rapidly through sequence of developmental English courses
Learning Communities – The Long Term Impact 1. Improved Graduation Rate 15% more students in Opening Doors Learning Communities earned a degree than students in the control group after 6 years (35.9% vs. 31.3%)
Learning Communities – The Long Term Impact 2. More credits accumulated Learning Communities students continue to earn more credits than those students in the control group (totaling 4 more after 6 years)
Learning Communities – The Long Term Impact 3. Cost effective Cost per degree for Learning Communities students was 2.5% less than for the degrees of students in the control group
Single Stop
Single Stop Benefits Secured Benefit / ServiceTotal Students Receiving Benefits Total Value Annualized Food Stamps304$747,256 Medicaid129$2,048,000 Food Vouchers70$11,500 MetroCards147$4,279 Public Assistance53$203,081 Tax Returns2191$3,484,790 Totals2,894$6,498,906
Advisement Immediate upon entry Immediate upon entry Connected to discipline Connected to discipline Intrusive Intrusive
Culture of Evidence English in first semester mandated English in first semester mandated Special biology course for Nursing students Special biology course for Nursing students Curriculum modifications (e.g. more allied health programs) Curriculum modifications (e.g. more allied health programs)
Integrated Teams Reduced barriers between departments Reduced barriers between departments Direct involvement of decision makers Direct involvement of decision makers
“ Change Just Doesn ’ t Happen ” Institutions are people Institutions have a culture Institutions have leaders Institutions have a history
Change Takes Time Be thoughtful Gather information Find the right path Choose Wisely Publicize Widely
Change Involves Action Mix it up The table is for everyone Set up Structures Praise and Publicly Thank Work and Play Don ’ t Forget the small stuff It ’ s Not about You
Change Requires Risk Taking
“You’ve got to want to connect the dots, Mr. Michaelson.” Danny Shanahan, The New Yorker © 2009
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