Disasters Project Tohoku Tsunami 2011
Summary The Japanese tsunami of 2011 occurred on Friday, March 11, 2011 The tsunami struck Japan at 14:46 GST It followed a 9.0 earthquake. There were 15,892 deaths and 6,152 injured It was the worst disaster for Japan since Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WW2 The country still hasn't fully recovered from this horrific natural disaster Countries from all over the world assisted Japan
Cause The Tohoku tsunami was caused by a 9.0 earthquake in Japan which triggered a massive tsunami destroying everything in its path.
Tsunami Facts The tsunami reached a maximum height of 132 feet tall and destroyed everything in close proximity to the coast The cities tsunami prevention defenses were not effective in slowing or preventing the tsunami The warning issued was the most serious on the warning scale Entire towns were destroyed in tsunami hit areas Large parts of Kuji and the southern section of Unto including the port area were almost entirely destroyed The tsunami caused a few deaths outside of Japan In certain areas the tsunami traveled 6 miles inland The tsunami caused nuclear accidents, including a level seven meltdown at 3 reactors The tsunami was a part of the costliest natural disaster in history
Aftermath The aftermath of the tsunami included a humanitarian crisis and a major economic impact After the tsunami 340,000 people were displaced Many countries sent search and rescue teams to search for survivors In response to the crisis the Japanese mobilized the self defense forces
Casualties There were 15,981 deaths Almost three thousand missing 667 people crushed or died from internal injuries 6152 people were injured 100,000 children were uprooted or separated from their families 1500 children lost either one or both parents
Long Term Effects Millions of tonnes of garbage accumulated post-disaster Mass graves had to be created because there was no room for burials and no time for all the cremations Over one million tons of debris floating in the pacific ocean from tsunami Soil contaminated from nuclear isotopes limited the foods that could be grown in that area Economic difficulties for numerous Japanese citizens Wildlife recovery efforts required Family dynamics disrupted and changed
Before and After
Bibliography and-Security/Safety-of-Plants/Fukushima- Accident/ japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-pictures.html and-Security/Radiation-and-Health/Nuclear- Radiation-and-Health-Effects/