How do cats live? By Heidi Pope
IntroductionIntroduction This is all about cats and how they live so cats are very cute and cuddly too!! They are very lazy ( ). They love to lay on your lap and maybe on a soft pillow and they live on fish!!!!!!! Cats are just like dogs but dogs don’t meow, don’t have 9 lives and dogs don’t purr. Can you see the difference?? cat dog
How Cats live? Your cat can live up to years old. There is a type of cat called a inside and outside cat. You always have to keep your furry feline healthy and clean. Cats can be skinny, fluffy, chubby and soft. There are lots of kind of breed of a cat e.g Tabby or Siamese. Cats can be very lazy and very vicious to owners and other cats and the most of all they are cute!!!!!!
Why do cats have 9 lives? Some people thinks that cats have no nine live but the don’t know they do because they are very good at being like a parachute. Cats are very cute to live with. Cats are just like lions but lions don’t have 9 lives. Cats are just like genies but they don’t fly and don’t grant wishes. Cats meow is just like talking and coughing. Cats are very good at catching fish and loves tuna.
Why do cats eat fish? It’s a popular thing for cats. Cats defiantly love fish! It is so yummy cats love to live near the creek/beach because they love to catch fish. People also too. There are different cats that don’t like fish like cats are allergic to sea food sometimes.
Evil eyes Pointy ears Triangle nose Thick whiskers Soft fur Long tail Lazy legs Yellow eyes Beautiful fur
She loves cats
ConclusionConclusion In conclusion, now what you know about cats is that they sometimes like fish, they are lazy, eat, sleep and most of all nap. Cats are not friendly to dogs but some cats do. I hope you like my slide of information about cats and how they live. In conclusion, now what you know about cats is that they sometimes like fish, they are lazy, eat, sleep and most of all nap. Cats are not friendly to dogs but some cats do. I hope you like my slide of information about cats and how they live.