FANRPAN Gaborone, Botswana 29 November 2010 Lufingo Witson Mwamakamba
Call by Ministers in 1994 Created in 1997, and registered in 2002 Focus: -Improving policy research, analysis and formulation on key priority themes -Developing human and institutional capacity for coordinated policy dialogue among all stakeholders -Improving policy decision making by enhancing the generation, exchange and use of policy-related information Stakeholder categories: - Farmers, Government, Researchers, Private sector, Media Members/National nodes in 14 southern African countries: Angola, Botswana, DR-Congo, Lesotho, Namibia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Introducing FANRPAN
FANRPAN’s Strategic Plan (2007 – 15) Vision A food secure Africa free from hunger and poverty Mission To promote effective Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) policies by –facilitating linkages and partnerships between government and civil society, –building the capacity for policy analysis and policy dialogue in Africa, and –supporting demand-driven policy research and analysis
FANRPAN Structure: Organogram Director: CommunicationsDirector: Policy Biosafety Biotechnology Food Prices CAADP Targeting for Relief and Development Household Vulnerability Water Biofuels Climate Change Women in Policy Inputs Subsidy - Voucher Seed Security GOVERNANCE REGIONAL SECRETARIAT PROGRAMMES MEMBERS FANRPAN Country Nodes Angola, Botswana, DR-Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe Board of Governors Government, Farmers, Private Sector, Donor, REC, Research Institutions CEO Director: Finance and Administration Agricultural Productivity - markets Food SecurityNatural Resources and Environment Social Protection & Livelihoods Director: Programmes
1. Angola – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Wambo University 2. Botswana – Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) 3. DR- Congo: The Center of Dialogue for Legal and Institutional Reforms (Centre d’Echanges pour des Reformes Juridiques et Institutionnelles (CERJI) 4. Lesotho – National University of Lesotho, Institute of Southern African Studies (ISAS) 5. Madagascar: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Department of Rural Development Policies 6. Malawi - Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET), 7. Mauritius – Department of Agricultural Production and Systems, School of Agriculture University of Mauritius 8. Mozambique – Faculdade de Agronmia e Engenharia Florestal, Eduardo Mondlane University 9. Namibia - Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU) 10. South Africa – National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) 11. Swaziland – Coordinating Assembly of NGOs (CANGO) 12. Tanzania - Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) 13. Zambia - Agricultural Consultative Forum (ACF) 14. Zimbabwe – Agricultural Research Council FANRPAN Structure: Node Hosting Institutions
FANRPAN Structure: Network of Networks FANRPAN Regional Secretariat Malawi Namibia Mozambique Tanzania Mauritius South Africa Swaziland Lesotho Angola Botswana Zimbabwe Zambia Government Researchers CSOs Madagascar Farmers Private Sector Commercial Farmers Small-scale farmers associations Commodity Associations
FANRPAN Strategic Framework Capacity Building Policy Research Voice Conducive Environment POLICY ANALYSIS & ADVOCACY Agricultural Policy Burning Policy Issues
FANRPAN’s Thematic Thrusts Social Protection & Livelihoods Food Systems Agricultural Productivity – Markets Natural Resources and Environment
How do we inform policy processes? 1.Partnerships Over 47 national, regional and international partnerships agreements 2.Multi-stakeholder Policy Dialogues Workshops Theatre for Policy Advocacy 3.Advocacy Engagements 4.Electronic/Digital Media Website, TV, Radio Compact Discs 5.Print Media Policy Brief Series Newsletters Policy Advisory Notes Project Brochures
Multi – Stakeholder Dialogues Across 14 Countries (All Members from Stakeholder Groups) Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe Ongoing Research Studies Emerging Issues and FANR Policies Tracking National Policy Dialogues (Periodic) NATIONAL LEVEL Policy Advisory Notes Issues for Regional Dialogue REGIONAL LEVEL Coordination of multi-country studies Synthesis of issues from Nodes Into Agenda for Annual Regional Dialogue Network Administration and Development (Networking, Fund Raising, Membership drive) Southern Africa Region (Representatives from all FANR Stakeholder Groups) Farmers’ Organisations Governments Parliamentarians Private Sector Researchers Media Development Partners
FANRPAN Annual Regional Policy Dialogues YEARTHEME 2001: Agricultural policy making in Southern Africa: Issues and challenges 2002: Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Policy Research and Analysis Among Stakeholders in the SADC Region 2003: Regional Stakeholder Meeting on Agricultural Recovery, Food Security and Trade Policies in Southern Africa 2004: Policy Strategies Needed to Promote Permanent Agricultural Recovery and Productivity Growth in the SADC Region 2005: Creating a Conducive Policy Environment for a Food Secure Southern Africa 2006: Creating a Conducive Policy Environment for Inputs Intensification and Market Development for Increased Production and Productivity 2007: Meeting the Demand for Effective Food Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis in Southern Africa - “Triggers” for Agricultural Growth in Southern Africa 2008: Regional Strategies for Addressing the Global Food Crisis 2009: True Contribution of Agriculture to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Southern Africa Maputo 2010: Livestock & Fisheries Policies for Food Security and Trade in a Changing Climate
FANRPAN Food Security Policy Leadership Awards Multi – Stakeholder Dialogues H. E. Dr. Bingu wa Mutharika President – Republic of Malawi H.E. L. DIEGO, Prime Minister – Mozambique On behalf of President Emilio Guebuza 2010 Hon. Abraham Ivambo, Minister of Education – Namibia On behalf of President Hifikepunye Pohamba
Thank You